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Daniel 7 - Four Beasts and the Throne of God

Daniel 7 begins the apocalyptic section of the book. What is God telling us when it comes to a metal-mouthed monsters and a little horn that insult God? This chapter is not all difficulty and perplexity. It has a clear message to play hard for the team of Jesus. While the battle is rough, keep your eyes on the prize of reigning with Jesus. If we stay faithful to the end, we will be on the winning team when the dust finally settles.

Daniel 7 - Four Beasts and the Throne of God - Audio - MP3
Daniel 7 - Four Beasts and the Throne of God - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Daniel 7 - Four Beasts and the Throne of God - Manuscript - PDF
Daniel 7 - Four Beasts and the Throne of God - Sermon Handout - PDF
Daniel 7 - Four Beasts and the Throne of God - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
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