How Far Is Too Far?

but is it just the act of intercourse God is concerned about?

The phrase sexual immorality in the previous verses is a translation of the Greek word porneia. This is where we get our word pornography from. It means expressing ourselves sexuality outside of the context of marriage. That is pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex and everything people view on internet at the Rate X site.

God is concerned with much more than just the sexual act. He is concerned with the purity of our thoughts.

The Ladder of Sexual Involvement

Let me introduce you to the ladder of sexual involvement. This ladder is based upon three words (some of these words are only found in the old King James but they are more accurate english translations of the Greek)

  • Defraud – to cheat, to deprive by deception or fraud
  • Lasciviousness – Acting lewdly or lustfully… provoking anothers sexual desires (You will find it in the King James Version of the Bible in Mark 7:22, 2 Cor. 12:21; Gal 5:19; Eph 4:19; 1 Peter 4:3; Jude 4)
  • Concupiscence – Being controlled by your sexual desires (You will find it in the King James Version of the Bible in Romans 7:8; Col. 3:5; 1 Thess. 4:5)

A relationship begins at a state of sexual purity. The more physically involved you become outside of marriage, the more you begin to steal (defraud) from your partner intimacies that have been intended by God to be reserved for each of your marriage partners alone.

The farther up the sexual ladder you climb, the more lasciviously you will use your body. The more your body will be used to provoke your partners sexual desires. The result is they become more attracted to the passion than the person. Their true feeling and emotions for you become increasingly clouded. They are more in love with the feeling of passion than they are the person.

The farther up the ladder you climb, not only are you increasingly using your body to provoke your partners sexual desires but you are also becoming increasingly controlled by your own sexual desires. This is called concupiscence. The higher up the ladder you go the more controlled by your sexual appetite you will become. In a manner that is similar to bringing two magnets closer together, the closer you go to the top of the ladder the stronger the pull of attraction will become.

So where is the answer? How far is too far? How far up the ladder can you climb without inciting the sexual passions of your partner? You are a person, not a sexual object. How far up the ladder can you climb without finding your mind being preoccupied with your partners sexuality both in the heat of the moment and out of the heat of the moment?

Needless to say, none of us can climb too high and maintain our purity.

Paul put it well in his challenge to young Timothy. When he was instructing him on his relationships with women in his congregation…

Treat younger men like brothers, older women like mothers, younger women like sisters, in all purity. 1 Timothy 5:2

Simply put, if you wouldn’t do it with your sister, then you shouldn’t be doing it with your partner outside of the marriage covenant.

For those who haven’t quite figured it out, the plain instructions are…
  • Don’t Pull Up
  • Don’t Pull Down
  • Don’t Unbutton
  • Don’t Unzip
  • Keep Your Hands to Yourself

A Biblical Study of Sex Before Marriage in PDF Format