Christ 2R Culture

The problem is always sin.... the answer is always Jesus

Should I Tell My Spouse If I Look at Internet Porn?

Yes. This is a serious issue. Not only have you sinned against God, you have sinned against your spouse. Pornography will affects the intimacy in your marriage. Frequently, your spouse will be able to sense your distance and guilt. Pornography causes a spouse to suffer, even if it isn’t confessed to them.

Unconfessed pornography becomes habitual pornography. This particular sin loves to grow in the darkness. By confessing this sin to your spouse, and asking their forgiveness, you will shine light on this area of your life. This is usually the only way the grip of this particular sin can be broken. Confession is also the only path to forgiveness. Healing (the regaining of trust with your spouse) will take time. It may involve giving your spouse the password to the computer, the use of internet filtering software or not using the computer in evening hours.

One of the best resources to help in your struggle for victory over this sin is The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn. It is found on the resource page of the site.

When you talk with this sin to your spouse, do not blame them for your sin. Accept responsibility your responsibility.

In addition, both of you will most likely need to get help from a pastor or Christian counselor.
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