James 4:7-10 - The Ten Commandments of James
September/08/2011 12:42 PM Filed in: James
How much pride is in your life? Most of us picture ourselves as more humble than we really are. For God's grace to be operative in our hearts, James tells us to cultivate humility. What does humility look like? What steps can we take to become more humble? Giving us ten brief commands, James tells us how to develop humility in our life. Best of all, he ends with a promise from God that we can rest in when we travel down that difficult path.
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Audio - MP3
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Manuscript - PDF
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Sermon Handout - PDF
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
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