Song of Solomon 1:16-2:7 - Rekindle Your Romance
January/26/2012 10:55 AM Filed in: Solomon on Sex
Do you remember feeling lovesick? Do you remember when your heart skipped a beat because you were in the presence of someone you loved? We assume lovesickness is a temporary condition that couples outgrow once their relationship is established. Research tells us the reason couple are cured of lovesickness is because the romance of their relationship goes away. In this message, we take lessons from Solomon and his bride on how to rekindle the romance so our heart skips a beat like it once did.
Solomon on Sex - Rekindle Your Romance - Audio - MP3
Solomon on Sex - Rekindle Your Romance - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Solomon on Sex - Rekindle Your Romance - Manuscript - PDF
Solomon on Sex - Rekindle Your Romance - Sermon Handout - PDF
Solomon on Sex - Rekindle Your Romance - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
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