Christ 2R Culture

CrossWinds Launches Extension Sites

In 2019, CrossWinds began Extension Sites. What is an Extension Site? How is it different from another campus? Continue reading to find out.


If You Have Sinned Like Peter, You Can Be Forgiven Like Peter

At CrossWinds, it is good for us to return to our study of the Gospel of Mark after a busy summer. As we studied Mark 8 and 9, we learned more about the apostle Peter. While he had the honor of being the first person in this gospel to recognize the identity of Jesus, he also miserably failed Jesus. He had the audacity to disagree with Jesus and try to steer Him away from his plan to die for us on the cross. Jesus strongly rebuked him for trying to turn him away from the reason he came. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter was rebuked by God the Father for doing too much talking to Jesus instead of listening to Him. Later, as Jesus was betrayed, Peter vocally denied knowing Him three times even though he lived with Jesus for three years.

Can We Sin Beyond Forgiveness And A Future?

Have you blown it? Have you sinned greatly and made a mess of your life? Have you found yourself looking in the mirror wondering if your life is beyond God’s ability to repair? Many of us have faced that moment of despair. If you are at that point as you read this article, let me offer you hope.

Have you heard the true story of a man named Manasseh? His often-forgotten story is found in the Bible in 2 Chronicles 33 and 2 Kings 21. He was king over Judah from 696-642 BC.

He came from a good family. His father had done good for God’s people and ruled well. But Manasseh was the ultimate problem child. When his father died, Manasseh assumed the kingship at age 12. With Manasseh’s youth and unbridled power came unrestrained wickedness. As a young king, he set out to undo all the good his father had done. The Bible describes Manasseh as the most evil king to ever reign over God’s people. He was an absolute terror while in power. The Bible also tells us he has the distinction of being the longest reigning king in Jerusalem, 55 years. His reign was a long and dark period of terror in the history of God’s people.

Fall 2019 Memory Verse Card

Fall 2019 Mem Card-web Front-squashed

CrossWinds Celebrates 5 Years As a Multisite Church


What Are The Dangers of Smartphone Distraction?

Statistics claim we check our smartphone 81,500 times a year, about every 4.3 minutes of our waking lives. In many ways, this is easy to understand. Our lives are consolidated on our phone; Weather, calendar, shopping, workouts, email and a camera all in the palm of our hand.

One of the most frequently used apps is Facebook. In 2014, 70 percent of Facebook users used the app on a daily basis. That is more than 1 billion people with the same compulsive routine. The average Facebook user spends fifty minutes a day using the app. This world-wide addiction to distraction is not without consequence. Behavioral scientists tell us the more addicted you are to your phone, the more prone you are to depression and anxiety. You also have less ability to concentrate at work and sleep at night. The danger of digital distraction is real.

Why is the distraction of our phone so popular? What are digital distractions doing to us? What can we do to stop them? Let’s find out.