Christ 2R Culture

Love Your Neighbor During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Flyers

Love Your Neighbor in The COVID-19 Pandemic Flyer - Black and White

Love Your Neighbor in The COVID-19 Pandemic Flyer - Color Read More...

How Do I Forgive Someone When I Am Deeply Hurt?

I sat across the room from the couple. The wife was wringing her hands on the couch. “I just can’t forgive,” she said. “He broke my heart too many times. He asks for my forgiveness and promises to do better, but a few months later he hurts me again.”

When I asked for specifics, not many came to her mind. It was obvious she was wrestling with accumulated wounds, many of which she had forgotten, but the hurt lingered in her heart.

What should she do? What does God want someone to do when they are deeply hurt and it is hard to forgive?

Winter/Spring 2020 Memory Verse Card

WInter-Spring 2020 Mem Card-web Front-squashed

CrossWinds Staff Values

As we took on new staff, I developed core values to define the way our staff team works together. I have a different member of the staff teach a different core value each month. The goal is to remind us of the value and help the staff take ownership of the value in their lives. Below is a copy of the poster that hangs in the office of our campuses. Staff Core Values High Res Poster

