Song of Solomon 3:6-11 - Why Have A Wedding?
February/19/2012 07:48 PM Filed in: Solomon on Sex
Weddings are on the decline. Cohabitating is on the rise. In 1960, less than half-million couples lived together. Today, it is more than 4.3 million. It seems clear. Most relationships don't work. Why not take your relationship for a test drive before you commit to it for life. In this text, we look at the ancient wedding ceremony and learn why God wants us to marry and begin their marriage with a great wedding.
Solomon on Sex - Why Have A Wedding? - Audio - MP3
Solomon on Sex - Why Have A Wedding? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Solomon on Sex - Why Have A Wedding? - Manuscript - PDF
Solomon on Sex - Why Have A Wedding? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Solomon on Sex - Why Have A Wedding? - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF