John 3:22-36 - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease
July/12/2012 05:24 PM Filed in: John on Jesus
Everyone faces times of loss. Every career that rises must eventually set. In this message, we discover how John the Baptist handles losing market share in the baptism business. We learn how to survive the seasons of life where our influence wanes.
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven
August/29/2010 02:30 PM Filed in: Heaven
We spent a whole summer on Heaven. I am sure some of you wish we spent less time on heavenly realities and more time helping with earthly troubles. Surprisingly, the study of Heaven is a great help on earth. Join me as we learn the practical ways God changed us through this study.
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Audio - MP3
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Why Study Heaven?
May/17/2010 12:27 PM Filed in: Heaven
A recent Harris poll revealed that 82% of Americans believe in heaven and 63% of Americans think they will go there when they die. While many people are interested in heaven, the same Harris poll revealed that most know little about it. Join Dr. Trucksess as we discover the importance of studying heaven.
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Audio - MP3
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - IPad and IPhone Video - M4V
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Small Group Questions - PDF