Old Testament
John 8:12-20 - Light of the World
October/28/2012 03:53 PM Filed in: John on Jesus
Where was Jesus in the Old Testament? Was he on vacation until 0 A.D.? In this message, we discover Jesus was surprisingly active. What we learn from following him in the Old Testament teach us how we follow him today.
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Reasons to Believe - Christological Reasons
January/27/2011 01:26 PM Filed in: Reasons to Believe Your Bible
Which stories in the Bible feel too spectacular to be true? Was Jonah really in the belly of a great fish for three days? Was there a literal world-wide flood that only Noah and his family survived? Did God create a literal Adam and Eve or is that a spiritual story and we actually evolved? Surprisingly, Jesus teaches us how we should understand these and many other Old Testament stories. Join Pastor Kurt as we learn that if we can trust Jesus to be our savior, we can trust Jesus to be our teacher about this book.
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Christological Reasons - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Christological Reasons - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Christological Reasons - Manuscript - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Christological Reasons - Sermon Handout - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Christological Reasons - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF