Reasons to Believe - Prophetic Reasons

Walking through the checkout line at Wal-Mart, you can't help but read them; they are the tabloids. Using bold headlines to catch your eye, they are magazines with predictions about the future. Do any of their claims come true? Statistics tell us the predictions of the tabloids are wrong over 92% of the time, but many keep reading them in hopes they might be right. The Bible also has contains bold prophecies, but its acceptable margin of error is zero. What has the Bible prophesied about the future that took place? What does this prophesy teach us about God, the author of the book? Join Pastor Kurt as we learn Prophetic Reasons We Can Trust The Bible.

Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Prophetic Reasons - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Prophetic Reasons - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Prophetic Reasons - Manuscript - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Prophetic Reasons - Sermon Handout - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Prophetic Reasons - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF