Song of Solomon 7:11-8:4 - Marital Sabbath

Did you know a romantic vacation with your spouse is biblical? Holidays help us spend times of refreshment with our extended family. Sunday worship helps us spend times of refreshment with God. We also need times of refreshment with our spouse. Those special marital days won't find their way into our calendar unless we put them there. Join the Shulammite as she entices Solomon to spend a rejuvenating weekend away at a bed-n-breakfast in the country.

Solomon on Sex - Marital Sabbath - Audio - MP3
Solomon on Sex - Marital Sabbath - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Solomon on Sex - Marital Sabbath - Manuscript - PDF
Solomon on Sex - Marital Sabbath - Sermon Handout - PDF
Solomon on Sex - Marital Sabbath - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF