Reasons to Believe - Personal Reasons

Imagine traveling with your family on summer vacation, your GPS mistakenly guided you through a gang infested area of Los Angeles. You hit a pothole, bursting your tire, leaving you stranded in the worst part of town. While examining your tire, six young men emerge from a nearby building and strut their way in your direction. Your adrenaline begins pumping as you try to imagine ways to protect your wife and children. You could be beaten or even killed in the next few moments. How would things change if you knew those young men just left a Bible study? At the end of the day, while there are many logical reasons to believe the Bible, the most powerful reasons is the Bible's ability to change our lives. In this study, we learn how the Bible goes about changing us and learn a practical strategy to let the Bible do its work in our lives.

Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Personal Reasons - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Personal Reasons - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Personal Reasons - Manuscript - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Personal Reasons - Sermon Handout - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Personal Reasons - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
The Bible Will Transform My Life Bookmark - Color - JPG
The Bible Will Transform My Life Bookmark - B&W - JPG

Reasons to Believe - Providential Reasons

Pasted Graphic

Have you read The Da Vinci Code? It is currently the best selling novel of the twenty-first century. While the book is fiction, it claims that descriptions of all artwork, architecture and documents in the book are accurate. Dan Brown, the author, even suggests there were over 80 alternate gospels which were suppressed from the general public by church councils. It is only in recent years they were re-discovered and we can learn the true identity of Jesus. Is this true? While The Da Vinci Code is fiction, how much of it is historical fact? Were many alternate gospels barred from the public by secret church councils? How were the books in our Bible collected together? In this message, we learn the answer. Along the way, we discover a big difference between the Catholics and Protestants on this issue. This message is what you need to separate the facts and fiction in The Da Vinci Code.

Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Providential Reasons - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Providential Reasons - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Providential Reasons - Manuscript - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Providential Reasons - Sermon Handout - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Providential Reasons - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

Reasons to Believe - Logical Reasons

In our postmodern world, consensus is more important than opinion. What most people believe is considered the truth. For centuries the Bible was considered the Word of God by popular opinion. Today, it popular culture believes the Bible is based on fantasy more than factual reality. In this first message of the series, Pastor Kurt examines the logical implications of what the Bible claims for itself and the impossibility of considering the Bible a good book mixed with errors.

Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Manuscript - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Sermon Handout - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

The mystery answer in the Small Group Worksheet is: Luke, who wrote the Gospel of Luke, did not know he was writing Scripture under inspiration of the Holy Spirit.