John 5:31-47 - Proving Jesus is the Son of God
September/09/2012 05:25 PM Filed in: John on Jesus
Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. When someone claims that today, we put them in a rubber room and have men in white coats medicate them. That is the same reaction the Jewish leaders of the 1st century had to Jesus. The difference is Jesus had proof to substantiate his claims. Join us as we discover how Jesus proved his claim to be the Son of God.
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Reasons to Believe - The Place of Evidence in the Faith Equation
February/28/2011 09:00 PM Filed in: Reasons to Believe Your Bible
NOTE: Because of poor sound quality , no audio files are available of the Q&A session.
For the last week of this series, I asked a good friend, Dr. Tom Tribelhorn, director of doctoral studies for St. Petersburg Seminary, and author of "My Professor Says the Bible is a Myth" to share with us about the relationship between evidence and the Christian faith. In his message, Dr. Tom shows how Jesus used evidence in the life of Nicodemus to present him with his spiritual need. In addition to his presentation, the congregation generated a list of questions they had about the Christians faith which we used for a church-wide Question & Answer time with the doctor.
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - The Place of Evidence in the Faith Equation - Dr. Tom Tribelhorn - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - The Place of Evidence in the Faith Equation - Dr. Tom Tribelhorn - Quicktime - M4A
My Professor Says the Bible is a Myth - Web Site
Reasons to Believe - Logical Reasons
January/07/2011 09:27 AM Filed in: Reasons to Believe Your Bible
In our postmodern world, consensus is more important than opinion. What most people believe is considered the truth. For centuries the Bible was considered the Word of God by popular opinion. Today, it popular culture believes the Bible is based on fantasy more than factual reality. In this first message of the series, Pastor Kurt examines the logical implications of what the Bible claims for itself and the impossibility of considering the Bible a good book mixed with errors.
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Manuscript - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Sermon Handout - PDF
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - Logical Reasons - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
The mystery answer in the Small Group Worksheet is: Luke, who wrote the Gospel of Luke, did not know he was writing Scripture under inspiration of the Holy Spirit.