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Mark 8:22-30 - Jesus Cures Spiritual Blindness

In this message, we look at one of Jesus' healings that is unique to the book of Mark. At first, this miracle appears to put Jesus in a bad light. In this miracle, Jesus' first attempt at healing this blind man appeared to not work. For the blind man, his healed vision was fuzzy. Everyone looked like trees walking around. It was only after a second touch from Jesus that this man could see clearly. Did Jesus' first attempt at healing this man fail? Join us as we learn what this miracle teaches us about the way Jesus cures spiritual blindness.

Mark 8:22-30 - Jesus Cures Spiritual Blindness - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 8:22-30 - Jesus Cures Spiritual Blindness
- Manuscript - PDF
Mark 8:22-30 - Jesus Cures Spiritual Blindness - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 8:22-30 - Jesus Cures Spiritual Blindness - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 8:22-30 - Jesus Cures Spiritual Blindness - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
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