Colossians 2:6-15 - Why Is Jesus All I Need?
November 05, 2017 - 10:33 AM Filed in: Colossians
Where do you find your sense of self-worth? For most of us, it is in our work. For stay-at-home mom's, their identity is usually found in being a mother. If you are in high school, your identity is often found in your sport or the instrument you plan in the band. The problem is, when what we do is taken away from us, it crushes our understanding of who we are. In Colossians, Paul shows us how our identity doesn't come from what we do but what God has done for us through Jesus. This is the key to overcoming our depression and sagging self-worth.
Colossians 2:6–15 - Why Is Jesus All I Need? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Colossians 2:6–15 - Why Is Jesus All I Need? - Manuscript - PDF
Colossians 2:6–15 - Why Is Jesus All I Need? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Colossians 2:6–15 - Why Is Jesus All I Need? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Colossians 1:1-2 - Introducton to Colossians
October 08, 2017 - 03:26 PM Filed in: Colossians
Welcome to the book of Colossians! There is probably no more Christ-exalting book in the Bible. Join us as we learn the background of the book and how Christ changes everything about our identity.
Colossians 1:1-2 - Introduction To Colossians - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Colossians 1:1-2 - Introduction To Colossians - Manuscript - PDF
Colossians 1:1-2 - Introduction To Colossians - Sermon Handout - PDF
Colossians 1:1-2 - Introduction To Colossians - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Colossians 1:1-2 - Introduction To Colossians - Digging Deeper Sermon Study - PDF
1 Peter 1:1-2 - Introduction to 1 Peter
August 17, 2014 - 02:55 PM Filed in: 1 Peter
As Christians, we all fail Jesus... sometimes we fail miserably. When we fail Jesus in a big way, is their hope for the future? Does God write us off? As we begin this series, we will look at the life of Peter and what we can learn about recovering from massive spiritual failures.
1 Peter 1:1-2 - Introduction to 1 Peter - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
1 Peter 1:1-2 - Introduction to 1 Peter - Manuscript - PDF
1 Peter 1:1-2 - Introduction to 1 Peter - Sermon Handout - PDF
1 Peter 1:1-2 - Introduction to 1 Peter - Life Group Work Sheets - PDF
Cultural Christianity
August 03, 2014 - 11:04 AM Filed in: Alternatives to Christianity
Approximately ten years ago, Christian Smith -- a sociologist from the University of North Carolina -- surveyed 3,000 teenagers to find what they believed about their faith. They learned that most young adults were not traditional Christians. They had believed a close counterfeit to Christianity he called Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. What is MTD? Why have so many Christians bought it? What makes it dangerous? Join us as we discover the answer.
Cultural Christianity - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Cultural Christianity - Manuscript - PDF
Cultural Christianity - Sermon Handout - PDF
November 17, 2013 - 03:14 PM Filed in: Fingerprint
In this series, we cover seven core values that drive the Faith Church experience. Our seventh core value is culture. Many churches encourage you to escape culture and condemn it. You are encouraged to live in separation from the world. At Faith, we encourage the opposite. We want to engage culture and redeem it for the glory of Christ. Join us as we explain why we are heading in the opposite direction.
FINGERPRINT - Culture - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
FINGERPRINT - Culture - Manuscript - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Culture - Sermon Handout - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Culture - Life Group Work Sheet - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Culture - Leader's Guide - PDF