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Mark 6:30-44 - Feeding The Five Thousand

(We apologize for the audio problems in this message. They will be repaired for the next message in this series.)

Beside the resurrection, there is only one miracle recorded in all four gospels. That is the feeding of the five thousand. It was so momentous, that afterwards the people wanted to make him king. Join us as we learn how God desires to do some of his finest works through us, not apart from us.

Mark 6:30-44 - Feeding The Five Thousand - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 6:30-44 - Feeding The Five Thousand
- Manuscript - PDF
Mark 6:30-44 - Feeding The Five Thousand - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 6:30-44 - Feeding The Five Thousand - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 6:30-44 - Feeding The Five Thousand - Leader's Guide - PDF
Mark 6:30-44 - Feeding The Five Thousand - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
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