Daniel 3 - Pluralism, Compromise and the Protection of Jesus
December/23/2012 11:49 AM Filed in:
America, like Babylon, is a pluralistic society. Our natural reaction is to isolate ourselves from the world around us. In this message, we learn God's will is that we are actively involved in the life of the city promoting its welfare. How do we do that without becoming assimilated by it? In Daniel 3, we learn the answer.
Daniel 3 - Pluralism, Compromise and the Protection of Jesus - Audio -
MP3 Daniel 3 - Pluralism, Compromise and the Protection of Jesus - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A Daniel 3 - Pluralism, Compromise and the Protection of Jesus - Manuscript -
PDFDaniel 3 - Pluralism, Compromise and the Protection of Jesus - Sermon Handout -
PDFDaniel 3 - Pluralism, Compromise and the Protection of Jesus - Small Group Work Sheet -