Christ 2R Culture

The problem is always sin.... the answer is always Jesus

Isaiah 50:4-11 - Suffering and Darkness

How much did Jesus know about the suffering he would face on the cross? How did he make it through without giving in to sin? In Isaiah 50, we have a unique window into the suffering Jesus faced and how he made it through. We learn how to face our suffering from following the example of Jesus.

Isaiah 50:4-11 - Suffering and Darkness - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Isaiah 50:4-11 - Suffering and Darkness - Manuscript - PDF
Isaiah 50:4-11 - Suffering and Darkness - Sermon Handout - PDF
Isaiah 50:4-11 - Suffering and Darkness - Life Group Work Sheet - PDF

John 15:18-16:4 - Persecution

Around the world, Christians suffer. In Pakistan, Christian women are gang raped. In China, men are set outside naked in the winter and doused with cold water, left to freeze to death because they shared Christian literature. In the Sudan, children are hacked open with machetes and their mothers have their hands hacked off, all for claiming Christ as the only one who can save them from their sin. Why are Christians persecuted so mercilessly, and without cause? In John 15, Jesus tells us why following Jesus draws persecution like blood in the water for a shark.

John 15:18-27 - Persecution - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John 15:18-27 - Persecution - Manuscript - PDF
John 15:18-27 - Persecution - Sermon Handout - PDF
John 15:18-27 - Persecution - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

John 9:1-12 - Why Do We Suffer?

Life is filled with pain. Thousand died in the terror attacks on the World Trade Center. Cancer sucks the life out of 547,000 Americans a year. Tropical storms, like hurricane Sandy, leave thousands homeless and cold. Where is God? If he is powerful, why doesn't he do something about it? If he is good, why doesn't he stop it? Is there an answer? Suffering is a complex issue. Thankfully, the Bible gives a little understanding of why God allows it. Join us as we learn why God lets suffering into our life.

John on Jesus - Why Do We Suffer? - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - Why Do We Suffer? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - Why Do We Suffer? - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - Why Do We Suffer? - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - Why Do We Suffer? - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

James 1:1-4 - There is Joy in My Trial

Why is life so hard? I thought God loved us? It feels like life became tougher after I came to Jesus. These are questions that, like ghosts, haunt our minds when life is tough. While the trials of life are never easy, James gives us solid answers about why God allows them to come into our life and how we can grow in them. There is a ray of light even in our darkest moments.

James - There is Joy in My Trial - Audio - MP3
James - There is Joy in My Trial - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
James - There is Joy in My Trial - Manuscript - PDF
James - There is Joy in My Trial- Sermon Handout - PDF
James - There is Joy in My Trial - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations

Nobody likes suffering. It separates us from life's pleasures. Suffering frequently looks like nothing more than purposeless agony. There is suffering that is purposeful. Christ can transform our suffering into something that is redemptive. He can transform our suffering into something so powerful that it can reach even the most pagan nations with the gospel. How does he do this? Join Dr. Trucksess for a look at The Lamb and the Nations.

Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Audio - MP3
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Manuscript - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Sermon Handout - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
© 2014 Christ 2R Culture