November/17/2013 03:14 PM Filed in:
In this series, we cover seven core values that drive the Faith Church experience. Our seventh core value is culture. Many churches encourage you to escape culture and condemn it. You are encouraged to live in separation from the world. At Faith, we encourage the opposite. We want to engage culture and redeem it for the glory of Christ. Join us as we explain why we are heading in the opposite direction.
FINGERPRINT - Culture - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A FINGERPRINT - Culture - Manuscript -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Culture - Sermon Handout -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Culture - Life Group Work Sheet -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Culture - Leader's Guide -
PDFTags: Culture, Evangelism, Gospel
November/03/2013 04:22 PM Filed in:
At Faith Church, what can you expect? In this series, we cover seven core values that drive the Faith Church experience. We want to reinforce them on the Spirit Lake campus and replicate them at the new Spencer campus. Our fifth core value is discipleship. We don't believe we are called to just trust in Christ but, embracing the gospel and working with the Holy Spirit, we are to continually become more like Christ. In addition, we believe every Christian, not just paid church professionals, are called by God to make disciples.
FINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A FINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Manuscript -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Sermon Handout -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Life Group Work Sheet -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Leader's Guide -
PDFTags: Discipleship, Mentoring, Evangelism
October/13/2013 03:55 PM Filed in:
At Faith Church, what can you expect? In this series, we cover seven core values that drive the Faith Church experience. We want them felt across all campuses. Our third core value is we believe it is the simple gospel message that has the power to change lives and grow the church. The simple gospel message is in short supply. A survey from LifeWay Resources of 450 American sermons randomly pulled from across the country revealed only 6% contained the entire gospel message. A natural strategy is to use anything in place of the Gospel to grow the church. At Faith, we believe the power to change lives and grow the church is in of the simple message of the gospel.
FINGERPRINT - Gospel - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A FINGERPRINT - Gospel - Manuscript -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Gospel - Sermon Handout -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Gospel - Life Group Work Sheet -
PDFFINGERPRINT - Gospel - Leader's Guide -
PDFTags: Gospel, Evangelism
August/04/2013 10:13 AM Filed in:
John on Jesus
Today, churches feel like a coffee shops. Preachers dress in jeans and shirts from The Buckle instead of suits. There are video projection screens and colored lights. Sometimes church feels more like entertainment. How much should the church become like the world? What would Jesus do? In John 17, we look at Jesus' prayer for how his disciples would carry on the mission of connecting people to God through his life. His prayer is that we would be profane in the way we do it. What does that mean? Join us as discover what it means to be a profane church that follows a profane savior.
John 17 - Profane Church - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A John 17 - Profane Church - Manuscript -
PDFJohn 17 - Profane Church - Sermon Handout -
PDFJohn 17 - Profane Church - Small Group Work Sheet -
PDFJohn 17 - Profane Church - Leader Guide -
PDFTags: Evangelism, Church Leadership
November/18/2012 11:47 AM Filed in:
John on Jesus
Close your eyes. Imagine life in the darkness of absolute blindness. A vast world exists that you can not see. Similar to physical blindness, the Bible tells us we are all born spiritually blind. We can not see the true identity of Jesus unless God supernaturally opens our eyes.
John on Jesus - Born Blind - Audio -
MP3 John on Jesus - Born Blind - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A John on Jesus - Born Blind - Manuscript -
PDFJohn on Jesus - Born Blind - Small Group Work Sheet -
PDFTags: Repentance, Faith, Evangelism
October/07/2012 04:47 PM Filed in:
John on Jesus Jesus from Kurt Trucksess on Vimeo.
When you bring Jesus into a conversation, you instantly polarize the room. Some people love him, others hate him. In our desire to avoid offending others, we keep quiet about Jesus and wait for an opportune moment. Is that the way the Jesus presented himself? Was the early church known for waiting for just the right moment so they were sure not to offend? It was just the opposite. They brought Jesus into conversations expecting he would divide the room. That is the way the church grew.
John on Jesus - Jesus Divides - Audio -
MP3 John on Jesus - Jesus Divides - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A John on Jesus - Jesus Divides - Manuscript -
PDFJohn on Jesus - Jesus Divides - Sermon Handout -
PDFJohn on Jesus - Jesus Divides - Small Group Work Sheet -
PDFTags: Evangelism
July/08/2012 02:55 PM Filed in:
John on Jesus
In 2011, Rob Bell, the senior pastor of Mars Hill Church in Michigan, published a controversial book titled, "Love Wins: A book about heaven, hell and the fate of every person who ever lived." In it, Robs says, "What if the story of heaven and hell we have been taught is not, in fact, what the bible teaches…. how could it be good news if billions suffer in hell while only a select few go to heaven?" Rob proposes that hell is a type of reform school from which everyone will eventually graduate. Is this true? Join us as we let the Bible tell us about heaven, hell and the fate of every person who ever lived.
John on Jesus - What About Those Who Don't Believe in Jesus? - Audio -
MP3 John on Jesus - What About Those Who Don't Believe in Jesus? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A John on Jesus - What About Those Who Don't Believe in Jesus? - Manuscript -
PDFJohn on Jesus - What About Those Who Don't Believe in Jesus? - Sermon Handout -
PDFJohn on Jesus - What About Those Who Don't Believe in Jesus? - Small Group Work Sheet -
PDFTags: Hell, Annihilationism, Universalism, Sin, Evangelism, Rob Bell
June/03/2012 03:02 PM Filed in:
John on Jesus
How will the church reach the world? When we look at the people who don't know Jesus, the task feels overwhelming. Did you know God doesn't want you to tell everyone about Jesus? There is only a small group of people most of us are responsible for. Who are they? In this message, we learn who they are and what can happen when we tell them.
John on Jesus - The Power of My Network - Audio -
MP3 John on Jesus - The Power of My Network - Quicktime and iPhone Audio -
M4A John on Jesus - The Power of My Network - Manuscript -
PDFJohn on Jesus - The Power of My Network - Sermon Handout -
PDFJohn on Jesus - The Power of My Network - Small Group Work Sheet -
PDFTags: Friendships, Evangelism, Apologetics, Relationships
December/19/2010 12:14 PM Filed in:
Christmas from RevelationNobody likes suffering. It separates us from life's pleasures. Suffering frequently looks like nothing more than purposeless agony. There is suffering that is purposeful. Christ can transform our suffering into something that is redemptive. He can transform our suffering into something so powerful that it can reach even the most pagan nations with the gospel. How does he do this? Join Dr. Trucksess for a look at The Lamb and the Nations.
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Audio -
MP3 Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Quicktime and IPhone Audio -
M4A Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Manuscript -
PDFChristmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Sermon Handout -
PDFChristmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Small Group Work Sheet -
PDFTags: Suffering, Missions, Purpose of Life, Evangelism
August/02/2010 08:51 AM Filed in:
For the last few weeks, we took a survey. I wanted to know the real-life questions people have about heaven. The most frequently asked questions were about those who can't believe. What happens to them? What happens to people who lived in a foreign land so they never heard of Jesus? What happens to those who die in infancy and were never old enough to believe. Join Dr. Trucksess in discovering the answer to the questions many are asking.
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Audio -
MP3 Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Quicktime and IPhone Audio -
M4A Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Manuscript -
PDFHeaven - What about those who can't believe? - Sermon Handout -
PDFTags: Evangelism, Infant Salvation, Age of Accountability, Salvation
May/09/2010 03:59 PM Filed in:
Stand Alone Sermons
If you have run from God, will he take you back? Join Dr. Trucksess in discovering God's heart for spiritual runaways.
Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Audio -
MP3Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People - IPad and IPhone Audio -
M4ALuke 15 - God Loves Lost People - IPad and IPhone Video -
M4VLuke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Manuscript -
PDFLuke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Sermon Handout -
PDFLuke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Small Group Questions -
PDFTags: Forgiveness, Repentance, Evangelism
November/29/2009 09:41 PM Filed in:
Stand Alone Sermons
Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Audio -
MP3Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Enhanced Podcast -
AACChrist - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Manuscript -
PDFChrist - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Sermon Handout -
PDFChrist - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Small Group Questions -
Tags: Hell, Salvation, Missions, Evangelism, Christ