Christ 2R Culture

The problem is always sin.... the answer is always Jesus

FINGERPRINT - Discipleship

At Faith Church, what can you expect? In this series, we cover seven core values that drive the Faith Church experience. We want to reinforce them on the Spirit Lake campus and replicate them at the new Spencer campus. Our fifth core value is discipleship. We don't believe we are called to just trust in Christ but, embracing the gospel and working with the Holy Spirit, we are to continually become more like Christ. In addition, we believe every Christian, not just paid church professionals, are called by God to make disciples.

FINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
FINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Manuscript - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Sermon Handout - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Life Group Work Sheet - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Discipleship - Leader's Guide - PDF
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