Christ 2R Culture

Core Series - Sermon Bumper


Kids Camp Trailer


When My Wife Dies, Will I Hear Her Voice Again?

For a man in our church, life is hard. His wife battles a debilitating disease that is slowly taking her life. Every day, he travels to the nursing home, where he feeds her because the disease has robbed her of the dexterity to feed herself. With each bite, he remembers happier days they enjoyed together. There were vacations with their children. Sometimes, they held hands on the porch as they watched the sunset. Those are distant memories today, but they leave a warm feeling in his heart whenever they come to mind. A moment later, reality smacks him in the face. There is still meatloaf on her plate. He picks up the fork and offers another bite. Someday, this will be over. She will die. Her spirit will be with Jesus, but what about her body that goes to the grave? Will he ever hear her sweet voice again?

Adrie's Mission Trip


Spencer Campus Tenth Anniversary


The Easter Story In Flashlight Art


Best of the 2024 EFCA Theology Conference On Marriage

Pastor Kurt and Jordan traveled to Chicago to participate in the EFCA Theology Conference, which focused on marriage. This spring, on Wednesdays from March 13 to April 17, we will share the best conference messages on the CrossWinds Podcast.

These sessions will also be offered as video classes on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Pastor Kurt’s office. Sign up for those classes on the church app.

March 13 - The State of Marriage and the Family: Changes and Challenges - Dr. David Ayers, Professor of Sociology, Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania
  • Audio on the Podcast

  • March 20 - Divorce and Remarriage: Exceptions to the Permanency of Marriage - Dr. David Newheiser, Director of the Christian Counseling Program and Professor of Christian Counseling and Pastoral Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Audio on the Podcast
  • Video Class in PK’s Office

  • March 27 - Marital Abuse: A Picture of Satan’s Design and a Manifesto of the Anti Gospel - Dr. Nate Brooks, Associate Professor of Counseling, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina
  • Audio on Podcast
  • Video class in PK’s office


    AVL Staffing Change


    Jesus Changed Education

    Today, every school you see, whether private or public, grade school or graduate school, has its roots in Jesus and the Christian faith. While education existed before Jesus, it was only for the elite. The birth of Jesus brought education for all. Let me show you some of the ways Jesus changed education.

    Many of the world’s languages were first set to writing by Christian missionaries with the hope that people could have a written language to read the Bible in their native tongue.

    Chili Cookoff Promo - 2024


    This is the EFCA


    Meet Kevin Brown


    The Chosen Bible Study


    Name Tags - Speed Check-In
