Merry Christmas From The CrossWinds Staff
December/21/2023 06:21 PM Filed in: CrossWinds | Video
Student Ministry Fifth Quarters
November/02/2023 02:29 PM Filed in: CrossWinds | Video
What Does The Bible Say About How To Acquire Wealth?
September/19/2023 09:11 PM Filed in: CrossWinds
Many of us are looking for ways to build wealth and prepare for tomorrow. What does the Bible say are the wrong ways to acquire wealth? What does the Bible say are the right ways to acquire wealth? What are some reasons Christians run financially short? Let’s find answers.
What does the Bible say are the wrong ways to build wealth? First, Exodus 20:15 reminds us, “You shall not steal.” That may seem obvious, but in some places, where prosecution only extends to criminals who steal over $1,000, stealing is considered a legitimate option. God says it doesn’t matter if it is $5 or $5,000. You shall not steal. Second, we are not to exploit others to gain wealth. Proverbs 22:22-23 reminds us not to use our financial or leadership position to exploit the poor, forcing them to work long hours for low pay. Proverbs reminds us that God will protect those who take advantage of the poor and fight for them. Third, we should not increase our wealth by not paying our bills. Leviticus 19:13 reminds us to pay what we owe and to pay it on time. Dragging out paying an agreed-upon contract or paying only a portion of a contract is a form of robbery. Fourth, we are not to gamble to acquire wealth. While the Bible doesn’t have a verse that says, “Thou shalt not go to the Wild Rose Casino,” it does warn us in 1 Timothy 6:10 that the love of money and greed will lead to great suffering, loss, and pain. One in every five homeless Americans contributes gambling to losing it all. Seventy-five percent of addicted gamblers will commit crimes to continue their gambling addiction.
What does the Bible say are the wrong ways to build wealth? First, Exodus 20:15 reminds us, “You shall not steal.” That may seem obvious, but in some places, where prosecution only extends to criminals who steal over $1,000, stealing is considered a legitimate option. God says it doesn’t matter if it is $5 or $5,000. You shall not steal. Second, we are not to exploit others to gain wealth. Proverbs 22:22-23 reminds us not to use our financial or leadership position to exploit the poor, forcing them to work long hours for low pay. Proverbs reminds us that God will protect those who take advantage of the poor and fight for them. Third, we should not increase our wealth by not paying our bills. Leviticus 19:13 reminds us to pay what we owe and to pay it on time. Dragging out paying an agreed-upon contract or paying only a portion of a contract is a form of robbery. Fourth, we are not to gamble to acquire wealth. While the Bible doesn’t have a verse that says, “Thou shalt not go to the Wild Rose Casino,” it does warn us in 1 Timothy 6:10 that the love of money and greed will lead to great suffering, loss, and pain. One in every five homeless Americans contributes gambling to losing it all. Seventy-five percent of addicted gamblers will commit crimes to continue their gambling addiction.
EFCA Denials and Affirmations
August/22/2023 09:23 PM Filed in: CrossWinds | Video
CrossWinds - Greeter Job Description
June/03/2023 02:14 PM Filed in: CrossWinds
I am grateful to have you as greeters! You are the first impression many will have of CrossWinds and Christians. Your role is essential! Below are suggestions on how to make your role a success.
CrossWinds - Usher Job Description
June/03/2023 02:03 PM Filed in: CrossWinds
I am grateful to have you as an usher! You are one of the first impressions many will have of CrossWinds. Your role is important! Below are suggestions on how to make your role a success.
Be Quick To Listen And Slow To Speak
May/15/2023 11:37 AM Filed in: CrossWinds | Culture
We are a society of talkers. The average person speaks 20,000 words a day. When we add in our postings on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms — where we have a potential audience of hundreds to thousands — it is obvious that we are a society that likes to talk.
Everyone is looking for an opportunity to build their audience. We are looking for more followers on the Internet. While we are looking for more opportunities to speak, this has led to many of us losing our ability to listen. Our inability to listen is part of what has made our society a culture where we shout at one another instead of caring about one another. Our inability to listen shows up in a variety of ways.
Everyone is looking for an opportunity to build their audience. We are looking for more followers on the Internet. While we are looking for more opportunities to speak, this has led to many of us losing our ability to listen. Our inability to listen is part of what has made our society a culture where we shout at one another instead of caring about one another. Our inability to listen shows up in a variety of ways.
Haddon Robinson Preaching Seminar
February/21/2023 04:50 PM Filed in: CrossWinds | Video
Spencer Campus Construction Update - February 10, 2023
February/10/2023 01:06 PM Filed in: CrossWinds | Video
100 Iron Man Memory Verses
January/20/2023 07:55 PM Filed in: CrossWinds | Christian Growth
At CrossWinds, we love to hide God's Word in our hearts! Here are recommended memory verses for the iron man Scripture memory program.
Psalm 118:24 — This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 119:11 — I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Proverbs 15:1 — A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Matthew 6:33 — But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Psalm 118:24 — This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 119:11 — I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Proverbs 15:1 — A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Matthew 6:33 — But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
How Do We Raise Our Children In A World Gone Woke?
Parenting in the modern world is hard. It requires a bigger house, a bigger car, and saving for a college education. Parents are a taxi service driving children to sports, band, and play practices. Everyone is looking for guidance on how to raise children well in our woke culture.
Spencer Campus First Time In The New Building - Christmas Eve
January/03/2023 06:54 PM Filed in: CrossWinds | Video