Christ 2R Culture

CrossWinds Church Center Video - 2025


Legacy Foundation - Bumper Video 2024


AWANA Floor Is Lava 2024


CrossWinds Annual Report - 2024


CrossWinds 75th Anniversary History


AWANA Registration Night 2024


How Do I Work With Difficult People In A Difficult World?

There is no shortage of conflict. The evening news features conflict at home and wars abroad. Everywhere we look, people can’t agree. Sometimes, we can avoid difficult people, but many times, we can’t. How should we handle the conflicts we can’t ignore? Here are five bits of wisdom from the book of Proverbs on working with tough people.

  1. Learn to avoid arguments. Getting into an argument doesn’t take wisdom. Any fool can do that. It takes wisdom to stay out of arguments. Once an argument begins, each side digs in their heels. Willingness to hear someone else’s point of view and change one’s heart becomes almost impossible. When we start to argue, the reason for the argument is quickly superseded by the hostility experienced. Proverbs 17:14 says, “Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam, so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out.” Arguments always go farther than we want and cause more damage than we expect. We can relate to this with the spring flooding. Once a dam is breached, the water erodes more of the dam, letting more flood waters through until incalculable damage is done and the floodwaters are impossible to stop. Isn’t that a good picture of what happens when we argue? Wisdom reminds us that we should turn away from arguments, rather than lean into them.

Join A Life Group


CrossWinds Core Values


CrossWinds - Mid-Year Report - July 2024


Baptisms at CrossWinds - 2024


Core Series - Sermon Bumper


Kids Camp Trailer


When My Wife Dies, Will I Hear Her Voice Again?

For a man in our church, life is hard. His wife battles a debilitating disease that is slowly taking her life. Every day, he travels to the nursing home, where he feeds her because the disease has robbed her of the dexterity to feed herself. With each bite, he remembers happier days they enjoyed together. There were vacations with their children. Sometimes, they held hands on the porch as they watched the sunset. Those are distant memories today, but they leave a warm feeling in his heart whenever they come to mind. A moment later, reality smacks him in the face. There is still meatloaf on her plate. He picks up the fork and offers another bite. Someday, this will be over. She will die. Her spirit will be with Jesus, but what about her body that goes to the grave? Will he ever hear her sweet voice again?

Adrie's Mission Trip


Spencer Campus Tenth Anniversary


The Easter Story In Flashlight Art


Best of the 2024 EFCA Theology Conference On Marriage

Pastor Kurt and Jordan traveled to Chicago to participate in the EFCA Theology Conference, which focused on marriage. This spring, on Wednesdays from March 13 to April 17, we will share the best conference messages on the CrossWinds Podcast.

These sessions will also be offered as video classes on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Pastor Kurt’s office. Sign up for those classes on the church app.

March 13 - The State of Marriage and the Family: Changes and Challenges - Dr. David Ayers, Professor of Sociology, Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania
  • Audio on the Podcast

  • March 20 - Divorce and Remarriage: Exceptions to the Permanency of Marriage - Dr. David Newheiser, Director of the Christian Counseling Program and Professor of Christian Counseling and Pastoral Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Audio on the Podcast
  • Video Class in PK’s Office

  • March 27 - Marital Abuse: A Picture of Satan’s Design and a Manifesto of the Anti Gospel - Dr. Nate Brooks, Associate Professor of Counseling, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, North Carolina
  • Audio on Podcast
  • Video class in PK’s office


    AVL Staffing Change


    Jesus Changed Education

    Today, every school you see, whether private or public, grade school or graduate school, has its roots in Jesus and the Christian faith. While education existed before Jesus, it was only for the elite. The birth of Jesus brought education for all. Let me show you some of the ways Jesus changed education.

    Many of the world’s languages were first set to writing by Christian missionaries with the hope that people could have a written language to read the Bible in their native tongue.

    Chili Cookoff Promo - 2024


    This is the EFCA


    Meet Kevin Brown


    The Chosen Bible Study


    Name Tags - Speed Check-In


    Merry Christmas From The CrossWinds Staff


    AWANA - Hot Lava Game


    Ryan Maris - Christmas Chili Promo


    Introducing Name Tag Kiosks


    Operation Christmas Child


    Student Ministry Fifth Quarters


    Joshua and Whitney Smith Interview


    CrossWinds Annual Report - 2023


    What Does The Bible Say About How To Acquire Wealth?

    Many of us are looking for ways to build wealth and prepare for tomorrow. What does the Bible say are the wrong ways to acquire wealth? What does the Bible say are the right ways to acquire wealth? What are some reasons Christians run financially short? Let’s find answers.

    What does the Bible say are the wrong ways to build wealth? First, Exodus 20:15 reminds us, “You shall not steal.” That may seem obvious, but in some places, where prosecution only extends to criminals who steal over $1,000, stealing is considered a legitimate option. God says it doesn’t matter if it is $5 or $5,000. You shall not steal. Second, we are not to exploit others to gain wealth. Proverbs 22:22-23 reminds us not to use our financial or leadership position to exploit the poor, forcing them to work long hours for low pay. Proverbs reminds us that God will protect those who take advantage of the poor and fight for them. Third, we should not increase our wealth by not paying our bills. Leviticus 19:13 reminds us to pay what we owe and to pay it on time. Dragging out paying an agreed-upon contract or paying only a portion of a contract is a form of robbery. Fourth, we are not to gamble to acquire wealth. While the Bible doesn’t have a verse that says, “Thou shalt not go to the Wild Rose Casino,” it does warn us in 1 Timothy 6:10 that the love of money and greed will lead to great suffering, loss, and pain. One in every five homeless Americans contributes gambling to losing it all. Seventy-five percent of addicted gamblers will commit crimes to continue their gambling addiction.

    CrossWinds Student Ministry


    EFCA Denials and Affirmations


    Meet Ryan Maris


    Scott and Janet Willis Testimony


    The EFCA Story


    CrossWinds - Spirit Lake - VBS 2023


    CrossWinds - Greeter Job Description

    I am grateful to have you as greeters! You are the first impression many will have of CrossWinds and Christians. Your role is essential! Below are suggestions on how to make your role a success.


    CrossWinds - Usher Job Description

    I am grateful to have you as an usher! You are one of the first impressions many will have of CrossWinds. Your role is important! Below are suggestions on how to make your role a success.


    Capital Campaign Announcement


    One On One With Jersey Mike's


    Be Quick To Listen And Slow To Speak

    We are a society of talkers. The average person speaks 20,000 words a day. When we add in our postings on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms — where we have a potential audience of hundreds to thousands — it is obvious that we are a society that likes to talk.

    Everyone is looking for an opportunity to build their audience. We are looking for more followers on the Internet. While we are looking for more opportunities to speak, this has led to many of us losing our ability to listen. Our inability to listen is part of what has made our society a culture where we shout at one another instead of caring about one another. Our inability to listen shows up in a variety of ways.

    CrossWinds Worship Service Intro


    Start Here Class Video - April 24, 2023


    Experience The Final Week Of Jesus


    CrossWinds Name Tags


    CrossWinds Church Center App


    Haddon Robinson Preaching Seminar


    Spencer Campus Construction Update - February 10, 2023


    100 Iron Man Memory Verses

    At CrossWinds, we love to hide God's Word in our hearts! Here are recommended memory verses for the iron man Scripture memory program.

    Psalm 118:24 — This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    Psalm 119:11 — I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

    Proverbs 15:1 — A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

    Matthew 6:33 — But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

    How Do We Raise Our Children In A World Gone Woke?

    Parenting in the modern world is hard. It requires a bigger house, a bigger car, and saving for a college education. Parents are a taxi service driving children to sports, band, and play practices. Everyone is looking for guidance on how to raise children well in our woke culture.

    Spencer Campus First Time In The New Building - Christmas Eve


    Spencer Campus Construction Update - December 20, 2022


    Atlas of the Lakes - Jodi Wollmuth Interview

    In 2022, we will use our Christmas Eve offering to support Atlas of the Lakes. Atlas is an organization that helps the poorest of the poor in our community. Join me as I interview Jodi Wollmuth, the church coordinator for Atlas to learn more about her mission.

    Atlas of the Lakes - Dave Butterworth Interview

    In 2022, we will use our Christmas Eve offering to support Atlas of the Lakes. Atlas is an organization that helps the poorest of the poor in our community. Join me as I interview Dave Butterworth, the director of Atlas of the Lakes, to learn more about their mission.

    Christmas Tree Lighting 2022


    Spencer Campus Construction Update - October 23, 2022


    CrossWinds Annual Report - 2022


    AWANA Football! - Fall 2022


    Overcome Class - Fall 2022


    Apologetics Class - Fall 2022


    The Problem Is Always Sin. The Answer is Always Jesus.

    The Bible claims that the problems in the world come from one place. It is not the people in positions of power, but the problem behind people is sin. To keep sin in check, we have police officers and jails. It is why we have a military. It is why we have locks on our smartphones, our cars, bank accounts, and homes. Sin is why we have death and sickness. Sin is why we need doctors and hospitals. Sin is why we have cemeteries and crematoriums. Death was only brought into this world when sin came into the world.

    Spencer Campus Construction Update - September 2, 2022


    CrossWinds Worship At The Roof Garden - August 21, 2022


    CrossWinds Baptisms - August 21, 2022


    Spencer Campus Construction Update - August 12, 2022


    Spencer Campus Finances Update - August 14, 2022


    CrossWinds University Survey - Fall 2022


    Spencer Campus Construction Update - August 4, 2022


    The Answer To Our Country's Racial Divide Is Not Politics.

    It feels like a day can’t go by without articles on racism or white supremacy dominating the headlines. As I write, Joyce Beatty—Democratic Representative from Ohio, blames a recent Dallas shooting in a Korean hair salon on white supremacy. Liz Cheney accuses GOP leadership of white nationalism after Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron went on a killing spree in a grocery store. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot allocated $10 million of COVID funds to racism in Chicago after declaring it a public health crisis. The list never ends.

    What if racism was not at its root a political issue that needed to be solved by legislation but at its root, it was an issue of sin that can only be solved by Jesus? What if the task of Christ’s church was to show the world how Jesus solves the age-old problem of the racial divide?

    Spencer Campus Under Contruction - Video Tour


    What Does The Bible Say About? - Promo Video


    Easter 2022 - Full Service

    Music from Easter Worship - MP3

    Worship Team Onboarding

    Worship Team Onboarding Packet - PDF

    Pacman Event


    Does God Want Us To Be Happy?

    After Tom Brady won his third Superbowl, he was interviewed by Steve Kroft. An obviously unhappy Brady said, “Why do I have three Super Bowl rings, and still think there’s something greater out there for me? I think, ‘God, it’s gotta be more than this…’” In other words, even if you were as rich, famous, and successful as Tom Brady, that doesn’t mean you would be happy.

    Christmas 2021 - Full Service


    Why Do We Celebrate Thanksgiving?


    AWANA Hot Lava Game


    CrossWinds Annual Report - 2021


    Jake and April on Life Groups


    Brad and Christie on Life Groups


    What Does The Bible Say About Children Obeying Their Parents?

    Children obeying their parents is a direct command from God. Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” In this verse, obeying one’s parents can not be separated from honoring one’s parents. Ephesians 6 continues, “Honor your father and mother — which is the first command with a promise — so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth.”

    “Honor” means children are to have an attitude of respect toward their parents. A child’s obedience to their parents is to be done with an attitude of honor. Obedience with a bad attitude does not conform to the command.


    One Church | One Day at the Arnold's Park Green Space


    Don't Waste Your Loneliness

    She gathered up the torn ribbons and ripped Christmas wrapping. The young mother carried the trash to the back alley. Their traditional Christmas morning was cut short when her three children said, “Hurry up, Mom! We have to be at Dad’s by 10:00 this morning.” At the beep of his horn, all three raced out the door to repeat the gift-giving scene with their father, his new wife, and her children. They would be there all day then leave on a trip for the holidays. Suddenly, both her house and her heart felt alone. In the quiet house, she sat by the fireplace allowing her tears to run free. In her loneliness, she cried out to God in her pain.

    When was the last time you felt the pain of loneliness take a bite out of your heart? Let’s see what the Bible says about loneliness and where to find help in those painful times.

    Take Up And Read - 2021 Reading Cards


    2 Timothy - Faithful To The End - Series Promo


    Christmas Eve 2020


    Advent 2020

    Advent 1: The Prophet’s Candle

    Tradition tells us the first advent candle is called “The Prophet’s Candle”.

    It seems fitting that we begin with the prophets to show us the Messiah.

    CrossWinds Process For Dealing With Concerns Raised About Staff or Others In The Church

    Process Basis

    “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:15–18 (ESV)

    Before we get into it, people are always quick to point out that this says "sin" and “another believer". I have found that people usually do believe that they have some offense to resolve and that they have been wronged. I also believe that this process works better than any other approach whether or not actual sin is involved and whether or not the other person is a believer. This is why it is referred to as the basis for the process. Read More...

    University Class - What Are The Benefits And Dangers Of Digital Church?

    • Class Notes - PDF

    What Are The Benefits And Dangers Of Digital Church?

    This past spring, in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, the nation shut down. Businesses were shuttered. Masks became common place. Schools were closed early for the summer. As the size of gatherings were limited, churches were also closed. In an attempt to maintain some sense of normalcy, the world went online. Zoom calls became a daily occurrence. Church also went online. While many churches already had a digital presence, others scrambled to enter the digital universe.

    In many ways, the pandemic was good for the church. Churches that formerly limited themselves to in-person gatherings were forced to the Internet. They could now reach beyond their walls and the limitations of the church building through technology. Churches of any size could establish a global reach. Another COVID benefit was that Christians who restricted themselves to in-person teaching began scrambling to find Christian content online. On the Internet, they found massive libraries of great preachers from the past and pulpit titans of the present. There was limitless Bible teachings that spanned hundreds of years available to them at the touch of a button. Like the printing press, radio, and sound amplification equipment, when Christians embraced technology, it enabled the gospel to go places it had never gone before.

    CrossWinds COVID - 19 Guidelines for In-Person Gatherings

    1. All staff are recommended to wear a mask, face shield, or face covering when in a confined area and not able to social distance.
    2. Face masks, face shields, or face coverings are recommended for all other attendees of activities or meetings.
    3. All commonly touched objects and surfaces should be disinfected after use (i.e. tables, chairs, toys, etc.)
    4. Screening procedures should be shared with attendees prior to an event or done as attendees enter. These should include temperature checks and symptom checks. (Can be done by attendee beforehand)
    5. Every effort will be made to take attendance so attendees can be informed of any possible exposure.
    6. Events and meetings should be held outside or in large open spaces with attendees appropriately spaced whenever possible
    7. Quarantine or stoppage of events or activities will be determined based on Iowa Public Health and Local Public Health Guidance and recommendations
    8. If an event or activity is for dependents (those under 18) and the dependents will not be able to socially distance and masks will not be required, guardians should be informed prior to the event.
    9. During an event or activity, all attendees shall avoid personal contact (including, but not limited to, hand shakes, hugs, etc.) and no food or drink shall be served or brought to be shared unless it is pre-packaged.
    10. Elders request we follow these guidelines until such time as local health officials rescind these type of recommendations.

    What Is The Path To Racial Equality?

    As a country, we have witnessed astounding acts of injustice. We saw the cruelty of police officers who misused their authority to take the life of George Floyd. In response, we watched the looting, rioting, and burning of our cities. Over 700 police officers were injured, some killed. Huge numbers of police were defunded in order to weaken their ability to provide law, order, and protection.

    What is the way forward in this turmoil? What will bring people of different races together? Read More...

    What Are The Dangers Of Grumbling? - Sermon Promo


    How Do I Stand Strong For Christ When Times Are Tough? - Sermon Promo


    CrossWinds COVID-19 Page Video


    Love Your Neighbor During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Flyers


    Love Your Neighbor in The COVID-19 Pandemic Flyer - Black and White

    Love Your Neighbor in The COVID-19 Pandemic Flyer - Color Read More...

    How Do I Forgive Someone When I Am Deeply Hurt?

    I sat across the room from the couple. The wife was wringing her hands on the couch. “I just can’t forgive,” she said. “He broke my heart too many times. He asks for my forgiveness and promises to do better, but a few months later he hurts me again.”

    When I asked for specifics, not many came to her mind. It was obvious she was wrestling with accumulated wounds, many of which she had forgotten, but the hurt lingered in her heart.

    What should she do? What does God want someone to do when they are deeply hurt and it is hard to forgive?

    Winter/Spring 2020 Memory Verse Card


    CrossWinds Staff Values

    As we took on new staff, I developed core values to define the way our staff team works together. I have a different member of the staff teach a different core value each month. The goal is to remind us of the value and help the staff take ownership of the value in their lives. Below is a copy of the poster that hangs in the office of our campuses. Staff Core Values High Res Poster



    CrossWinds Launches Extension Sites

    In 2019, CrossWinds began Extension Sites. What is an Extension Site? How is it different from another campus? Continue reading to find out.


    If You Have Sinned Like Peter, You Can Be Forgiven Like Peter

    At CrossWinds, it is good for us to return to our study of the Gospel of Mark after a busy summer. As we studied Mark 8 and 9, we learned more about the apostle Peter. While he had the honor of being the first person in this gospel to recognize the identity of Jesus, he also miserably failed Jesus. He had the audacity to disagree with Jesus and try to steer Him away from his plan to die for us on the cross. Jesus strongly rebuked him for trying to turn him away from the reason he came. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter was rebuked by God the Father for doing too much talking to Jesus instead of listening to Him. Later, as Jesus was betrayed, Peter vocally denied knowing Him three times even though he lived with Jesus for three years.

    Can We Sin Beyond Forgiveness And A Future?

    Have you blown it? Have you sinned greatly and made a mess of your life? Have you found yourself looking in the mirror wondering if your life is beyond God’s ability to repair? Many of us have faced that moment of despair. If you are at that point as you read this article, let me offer you hope.

    Have you heard the true story of a man named Manasseh? His often-forgotten story is found in the Bible in 2 Chronicles 33 and 2 Kings 21. He was king over Judah from 696-642 BC.

    He came from a good family. His father had done good for God’s people and ruled well. But Manasseh was the ultimate problem child. When his father died, Manasseh assumed the kingship at age 12. With Manasseh’s youth and unbridled power came unrestrained wickedness. As a young king, he set out to undo all the good his father had done. The Bible describes Manasseh as the most evil king to ever reign over God’s people. He was an absolute terror while in power. The Bible also tells us he has the distinction of being the longest reigning king in Jerusalem, 55 years. His reign was a long and dark period of terror in the history of God’s people.

    CrossWinds Celebrates 5 Years As a Multisite Church


    What Are The Dangers of Smartphone Distraction?

    Statistics claim we check our smartphone 81,500 times a year, about every 4.3 minutes of our waking lives. In many ways, this is easy to understand. Our lives are consolidated on our phone; Weather, calendar, shopping, workouts, email and a camera all in the palm of our hand.

    One of the most frequently used apps is Facebook. In 2014, 70 percent of Facebook users used the app on a daily basis. That is more than 1 billion people with the same compulsive routine. The average Facebook user spends fifty minutes a day using the app. This world-wide addiction to distraction is not without consequence. Behavioral scientists tell us the more addicted you are to your phone, the more prone you are to depression and anxiety. You also have less ability to concentrate at work and sleep at night. The danger of digital distraction is real.

    Why is the distraction of our phone so popular? What are digital distractions doing to us? What can we do to stop them? Let’s find out.

    CrossWinds Church Video Tour


    Experience the Passion - 2018


    Why Do We Celebrate The Birth Of A Baby?

    As Christmas approaches, we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. He lived 2,000 years ago. He spent the first 30 years of his life working in obscurity as a carpenter for his father. He never traveled far from home. He never married or fathered children. He didn’t make a lot of money or write a book.

    Why is the timeline of history divided in half based upon his birth? Why are more books written about him, more paintings painted of him and more songs sung to him than anyone else in the history? What makes the birth of Jesus special?

    How Should A Christian Handle Wealth?

    America is one of the wealthiest nations. As Christians, how should we handle our wealth? Should we give all of it away to the cause of the gospel? Should we feel guilty spending some of it on things we enjoy? In the closing verses of 1 Timothy, the apostle Paul writes to the Christians in the ancient city of Ephesus giving them wisdom on how to handling wealth. Paul gives many lessons on wealth in these verses. I want to focus on just one.

    Don't Just Attend Church. BE The Church


    Experience the Passion - 2017


    Learn More About "Experience The Passion"


    What Should We Do About Trump?

    Every time we turn on the news, there is criticism of our president. There is a war between President Trump, the media and Hollywood. I don’t know what side of the battle you fall. I don’t know your opinion of our president. I do know what God calls those who love Jesus to do.

    What Is An Iron Man Group?

    “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17

    To promote Christian growth and maturity by being accountable to other like-minded men in being faithful to daily Bible study, Scripture memorization and prayer.

    1. 3-5 men agreeing to meet on a weekly basis.
    2. The textbook is the Bible; the Holy Spirit is the instructor.
    3. Simple Leadership - one man taking responsibility for the health of the group, assuring commitment to the “Iron Man Covenant.”
    4. Iron Man Groups (IMG) are composed of men at different levels of spiritual growth. Yet all men are accountable for the same purpose - continued spiritual growth.
    1. Each commits to memorize a portion of Scripture of the Holy Spirit’s leading; the portion of Scripture to be memorized is up to each man.
    2. The Scripture should be identified within 2 days after meeting so there is time to memorize and apply that Scripture.
    3. When meeting, men take turns quoting their Scripture word for word, then share insights that the memorization and meditation process has revealed.
    4. Accountability means:
    5. If no Scripture is memorized, men will attend regardless.
    6. You will inform your group if you cannot attend a meeting (no one should wonder where you are)
    7. Iron Men meet to share failure and victory, not criticize, condemn, or lecture.
    8. Confidentiality must be maintained; this is a closed group of men who will build tremendous trust with each other.
    9. All men will commit to the Iron Man Covenant
    Benefits to Accountability
    1. Better fulfill our roles as Christian men
    2. Better fulfill our roles as godly husbands and fathers
    3. Understand the meaning and the need for responsible church membership
    4. Establish deep, effective relationships with other Christian men
    5. Grow the desire to make a lifelong commitment to small group accountability
    Starting an Iron Man Group
    1. Start with as few as 2 men but target 3-5. Over 5 becomes difficult to limit the meeting to 1 hour and men can become “anonymous.”
    2. Seek to build the group with men demonstrating a range of spiritual growth; be about “disciple-making.”
    3. Understand and commit to the Iron Man Covenant
    4. Foundational Scripture - there is no right or wrong way to select Scripture since Iron Men are encouraged to allow the Holy Spirit to direct them. However there is high value to use “Foundational Scripture” as a starter.
    5. Psalm 1:1-6
    6. Proverbs - read one chapter in Proverbs daily. You will read through the Proverbs in one month.
    7. Psalms - 5 Psalms per day will cover the Psalms in one month. A guide sheet will show how to rotate through a cross-section of the Psalms (example: Psalm 1, 31, 61, 91, 121. Then Psalm 2, 32, 62, 92, 122, etc)
    8. Gospel of John, I John

    CrossWinds Legacy Foundation Promo Video


    How Do I Let Go Of Grief?

    One of my favorite books is “Unbroken”. It is the life-story of Louie Zamperini, the famous Olympic runner that served in World War II as a bombardier on a B-24 liberator. During the war, he was taken prisoner by the Japanese. He spent most of the war tortured as a POW. After the war, when he was given his freedom, he struggled to forgive his captors. He became an alcoholic tortured by dreams of revenge against everyone that hurt him.

    Like Louie, each of us has deep wounds in our life that are hard to let go. For some of us, it was a spouse that betrayed us. Others of us experienced betrayal at work. Some of us were cheated out of money. It is hard to move beyond life’s craters. How can we move into the future? Here are a few words of advice.

    Proverbs 2 - Tuesday, June 7, 2016

    Read Proverbs 2

    Proverbs 2:1-4 tells us how to pursue God’s wisdom. Proverbs 2:5-22 shows us the benefits of having God’s wisdom.

    Proverbs 1 - Monday, June 6, 2016

    Read Proverbs 1

    Welcome to the CrossWinds Spirit Lake campus summer Bible reading plan. Each weekday we study a chapter or two in the Bible plus I will provide a few paragraphs of notes to help you get more from your reading.

    Summer 2016 Bible Reading Calendar


    Genesis Promo


    CrossWinds Covenant Renewal -- Nehemiah 10:28-39 -- Fall 2015


    1. We commit to only dating and marrying someone that loves Jesus.
    We will not give our daughters to the peoples of the land or take their daughters for our sons. Nehemiah 10:30 (ESV)

    2. We commit to faithfully keeping the day of worship and rest.
    And if the peoples of the land bring in goods or any grain on the Sabbath day to sell, we will not buy from them on the Sabbath or on a holy day. And we will forego the crops of the seventh year and the exaction of every debt. Nehemiah 10:31 (ESV)

    3. We commit to everybody doing a little something so my campus can operate.
    We also take on ourselves the obligation to give yearly a third part of a shekel for the service of the house of our God: for the showbread, the regular grain offering, the regular burnt offering, the Sabbaths, the new moons, the appointed feasts, the holy things, and the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God. Nehemiah 10:32–33 (ESV)

    4. We commit to giving God what is first and best in our lives.
    We obligate ourselves to bring the firstfruits of our ground and the firstfruits of all fruit of every tree, year by year, to the house of the Lord; also to bring to the house of our God, to the priests who minister in the house of our God, the firstborn of our sons and of our cattle, as it is written in the Law, and the firstborn of our herds and of our flocks; and to bring the first of our dough, and our contributions, the fruit of every tree, the wine and the oil, to the priests, to the chambers of the house of our God;… Nehemiah 10:35–37 (ESV)

    • Money — My offering check is written first.
    • Serving — I plan on serving others at church first in my schedule and my vacations second, not the other way around.
    • Worship — I will go to bed early on Saturday so I am not falling asleep on Sunday. I want to give my best to worship and study of God’s word.
    • Bible Study - I will read my Bible as one of the first things in my day, not the last thing when I am exhausted.

    5. We commit to financial faithfulness in our tithes and offering.
    …and to bring to the Levites the tithes from our ground, for it is the Levites who collect the tithes in all our towns where we labor. And the priest, the son of Aaron, shall be with the Levites when the Levites receive the tithes. And the Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes to the house of our God, to the chambers of the storehouse. For the people of Israel and the sons of Levi shall bring the contribution of grain, wine, and oil to the chambers, where the vessels of the sanctuary are, as well as the priests who minister, and the gatekeepers and the singers. We will not neglect the house of our God.” Nehemiah 10:37–39 (ESV)


    Summer 2015 Memory Verses


    Spirit Lake Campus Invite Cards


    Spencer Birthday 1 Birthday Celebration


    Willie DeBoer - Living Letter Video

    Will DeBoer-Living Letter-Short Version from Kurt Trucksess on Vimeo.


    Advent Tent Style Prayer Cards


    Help Needed To Set Up Spencer Campus


    Meet Stephen Albi - Youth Pastor Candidate


    Welcome to


    1 Peter - Hope In Hard Times - Logos


    Directions to Florence Park for the Corn Roast


    Do I Believe A Gospel That Comes From McDonalds?

    What is the most effective weapon of mass destruction? Historically it is not an atomic bomb or even a biological weapon. The most effective weapon of mass destruction is nothing more than a simple piece of paper… a counterfeit bill.

    1 Peter - Hope In Hard Times Promo


    Corn Roast Promo


    What Does It Take For A Woman To Be A Great Wife?


    Easter 2014




    FINGERPRINT - CrossWinds Church - Bookmark


    Faith Church Changes to CrossWinds Church

    On Sunday, January 19, Faith Church officially changed their name to CrossWinds Church. This new name allows the church to enjoy a unique name in our region.

    CrossWinds now has two campuses.
    • CrossWinds -- Spirit Lake Campus
    • CrossWinds -- Spencer Campus

    I look forward to a new logo and a bright chapter in the life of the church.

    Chili Cookoff Promo

    Notice the "Save Big on Gas" signs in the background!

    Ephesians - Who Am I? - Promo


    Serving Sunday Video - 2013


    FINGERPRINT - What Makes Faith Church Unique?


    1. Bible - We believe relevant, expositional Bible teaching and Christ-centered worship are the backbone of church health.
    2. Community -  We believe authentic relationships that serve one another honor Christ in the life of the church.
    3. Gospel - We believe the Gospel message is the power to change lives and grow the church.
    4. Outreach - We believe in reaching our community by serving our community.
    5. Discipleship - We believe God called us to be disciples and make disciples.
    6. Family - We believe in the importance of a healthy biblical family and supporting parents in their responsibility for the spiritual health of their children.
    7. Culture - We believe in engaging our culture and redeeming it for the glory of Christ.

    Would a Multi-campus Church Work in the Lakes Area?

    According to, each year an average of 3,500 to 4,000 churches close their doors.1 The church, as we know it, is quickly becoming a relic of American history rather than a centerpiece of its future. Thankfully, there are a few trends seeking to stem the tide. One is the sharp increase in American church planting. For the first time in many years, the number of new churches planted has slightly outpaced the number of those that closed their doors.2 Another trend that stems this tide is healthy churches are becoming multi-campus. They are becoming one church that meets in more than one location.

    The number of churches that are multi-campus is on the rise with more than 1,500 churches already meeting this way.3 Experts predict that within the next five years that number will swell to 30,000.4 Multi-campus churches are even coming to rural America as larger churches try to reach into outlying rural communities.

    Pastor Jordan and Krystal Installation Service and All-U-Can-Eat Ribs



    Spencer Location Photos


    Memorial Park Playground Build - July 1 and 2, 2013


    Jordan and Krystal Gowing - Q&A


    Easter Graphics 2013


    Meet Jordan Gowing - Candidate for the Spencer Campus

    Jordan, and his wife Krystal, visit Faith Church on March 22-24. On Friday and Saturday, they will spend time with Faith Church leadership, Faith Church members from Spencer and be familiarized with the schools and community of both Spencer and Spirit Lake.

    The congregation will meet them on Sunday March 24th. Pastor Kurt will introduce them in both worship services. The Faith University hour will be a time of Q&A with Jordan and Krystal sharing in the church worship center.

    Jordan Gowing has two primary ministry goals --- faithfulness to Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission. “I desire to be a faithful and a good steward in all I do --- my personal walk with the Lord, with my family and in my ministry,” he said. “In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus gives us the mission of the church, to make disciples of all nations. In whatever way that God calls me, I want to make disciples.”

    He sees the opportunity to help start a Faith Church campus in Spencer as a chance to help make disciples. “Leadership development is a crucial part of the church,” Gowing said. “Making disciples is important, but elsewhere we are called to make disciples who in turn will make disciples who --- you guessed it --- will make disciples. This is how the church will continue to faithfully grow.”

    Gowing grew up in a Christian home in Clarinda, IA, but he had a large step of spiritual growth when he was a junior in high school, helping in a ministry to troubled youth. It was soon after that commitment to Christ he sensed God calling him to the pastorate. “What gets me most excited about serving God’s church as a pastor is found in Ephesians 4:11-13, where Paul tells us why God has ordained that there should be pastoral leadership in the church --- to equip the saints for the work of the ministry and for building up the body of Christ,” Gowing said.

    He believes in preaching straight from the Bible. “I preach text-driven, relevant sermons,” he said. “The most important thing about a sermon is for it to be faithful to the text. At the same time, the sermon is unhelpful if it isn’t brought into the context of the hearers. I prefer a more ‘contemporary’ preaching style.”

    At 24, he is a young pastor that is looking for the chance to serve and lead. “I want to provide the congregation I serve with humble, servant leadership. In 1 Peter 5, Peter reminds pastors they are shepherds under Jesus. It is Jesus’ church, and it is a humbling responsibility to serve a part of his church.”

    Jordan Gowing graduated magna cum laude from Northwestern College in Orange City in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in religion. He will graduate magna cum laude in May from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with a master of divinity. He is currently interning at Faith Community Church in West Chicago, also having served there in various capacities throughout his seminary training. Gowing married his college sweetheart, Krystal, in 2011. You can find out more about Gowing on his blog:


    Easter Promo 2013


    What Are You Thankful For?


    Serving Sunday 2012


    God Exists


    Relational Healing


    Sickness and Death are for God's Glory


    Healing Prayer


    Revering God in Our Speech


    Hoarded Wealth Increases Guilt


    Waiting for Christ to End our Trials


    3 Steps in Your Decision to Sin


    The Goodness of God - Congregational Book


    In our
    Reasons to Believe your Bible series, I discovered we are a congregation of readers. We sold 200 copies of Dr. Tribelhorn's book, My Professor Says the Bible is a Myth. Learning from that, I hope to feature a key book to supplement future teaching series at the Resource Center.

    James - Part 1 - Trials and Temptations, we are featuring The Goodness of God by Randy Alcorn. This is an excellent and readable book dealing with the problem of suffering and pain to supplement what we are learning in the first portion of the book of James.. Alcorn avoids superficial or sentimental responses, and instead presses forward boldly to explore all the troubling doubts and questions that agitate within us when we confront suffering and evil. The issues are far from simple, the answers far from easy—but Alcorn shows how the way of suffering—a path that Jesus himself followed more than anyone else—can ultimately become a journey into wholeness and even logic-defying joy.

    Product Detail
    • Hardcover
    • 128 pages
