Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Dragon
December 26, 2010 - 05:39 PM Sermon SeriesChristmas from Revelation
While Christ defeated Satan two-thousand years ago, a glance at the world around us leaves us with any but confidence in Satan's defeat. Through one of the most controversial chapters, in one of the most controversial books of the Bible, be refreshed by a glimpse into the unseen spiritual world where things are different than they appear.
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Dragon - Audio - MP3
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Dragon - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Dragon - Manuscript - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Dragon - Sermon Handout - PDF
Christmas Eve 2010 - King Jesus
December 24, 2010 - 10:22 AM Sermon SeriesStand Alone Sermons
The Bible frequently calls Jesus a king. He was called king at his birth, the plaque across the top of his cross called him a king, in Revelation it says he will return as the king of kings. Kings change things for better or worse for many people. Did Jesus change anything in his three years of ministry or was his life nothing more than another interesting fact of history? Join Dr. Trucksess Christmas Eve at the SAMI Center in Spirit Lake, IA as we discover the difference Jesus made in history.
Christmas Eve 2010 - King Jesus - Audio - MP3
Christmas Eve 2010 - King Jesus - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Christmas Eve 2010 - King Jesus - Manuscript - PDF
Christmas Eve 2010 - King Jesus - Poster - JPG
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations
December 19, 2010 - 12:14 PM Sermon SeriesChristmas from Revelation
Nobody likes suffering. It separates us from life's pleasures. Suffering frequently looks like nothing more than purposeless agony. There is suffering that is purposeful. Christ can transform our suffering into something that is redemptive. He can transform our suffering into something so powerful that it can reach even the most pagan nations with the gospel. How does he do this? Join Dr. Trucksess for a look at The Lamb and the Nations.
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Audio - MP3
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Manuscript - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Sermon Handout - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Lamb and the Nations - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Triumph of the Lamb
December 03, 2010 - 02:13 PM Sermon SeriesChristmas from Revelation
Why do we hang off the edge of our seats at a football game and sing at the top of our lungs with our favorite bands? We were created by God to be passionate about things that are worth it. That desire was given to us for more than watching sports and music. God gave us these emotions to be passionate about Jesus, the ultimate hero, who won the ultimate victory. Join Pastor Kurt as we cheer The Triumph of the Lamb.
Christmas from Revelation - The Triumph of the Lamb - Audio - MP3
Christmas from Revelation - The Triumph of the Lamb - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Christmas from Revelation - The Triumph of the Lamb - Manuscript - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Triumph of the Lamb - Sermon Handout - PDF
Christmas from Revelation - The Triumph of the Lamb - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny
November 19, 2010 - 01:57 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
In this final message, we wrap up the series by looking at how the Bible says God will wrap up the world. It may not be what you thought. Even though the sins of a Christian are forgiven through Christ, that does not mean their lives will escape serious review. The deeds of our life are always the basis for judgment. Join Dr. Trucksess as we learn how our choices will impact our eternity even if we are forgiven.
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - Christ's Return
November 12, 2010 - 10:01 AM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
What happens after we die? Do we reincarnate? Do we go to purgatory to burn off our sin? Does everybody go to Heaven, no matter how we lived? Do we sit on a cloud and play a harp? In this message, you will learn the biblical truth what happens to us after death. You will also learn, through an overview of the book of Revelation, about the expanding kingdom of Christ as His rule is extended over all of creation in upon His return.
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - Christian Living
November 05, 2010 - 02:07 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
Pastors and Christian counselors are approached every week by people with problems. Some are struggling with an alcohol addiction, men are struggling with internet pornography, women are struggling with materialism. While everyone needs help, the real issue for these problems is much deeper. Most of our struggles come from worshiping the wrong thing! When we worship Christ, most of our problems fade away. Join Dr. Trucksess as we learn how what we worship determines how we live.
Doctrine - Christian Living - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Christian Living - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Christian Living - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Christian Living - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Christian Living - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - The Church
October 29, 2010 - 12:40 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
The church has changed. At one time it involved robes, hymnals, creeds and confession. Today it is jeans and a T-shirt. The pastor may sit on a stool and avoid a pulpit completely. Some are even defining the church more loosely and nothing more than "community and a conversation." Others have opened internet campuses and are experimenting with virtual church. Where do we draw the line? Join Dr. Trucksess as we discover the essence of "the church."
Doctrine - The Church - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - The Church - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - The Church - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - The Church - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - The Church - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - The Holy Spirit
October 23, 2010 - 04:55 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
Have you been alone with absolutely no one to talk with, nobody to help you and no one who cares? Loneliness is terrifying. Does God want us to feel that way? The Bible tells us it is not God's plan for us to feel isolation but God sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. Who is the Holy Spirit? How is his presence felt? What in our life hinders him from working in powerful ways? Join Dr. Trucksess as we discover the mysterious work of the Holy Spirit.
Doctrine - The Holy Spirit - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - The Holy Spirit - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - The Holy Spirit - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - The Holy Spirit - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - The Holy Spirit - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Work - Pt. 1
October 17, 2010 - 04:57 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
Who was Jesus Christ? Was he a good moral teacher? What he an example for us to follow in times of suffering? The Bible tells us he is much more. Christ is our penal substitutionary atonement. What is penal substitutionary atonement and why must Jesus be the penal substitutionary atonement for us? Join Dr. Trucksess to find out.
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Work - Pt. 1 - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Work - Pt. 1 - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Work - Pt. 1 - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Work - Pt. 1 - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Work - Pt. 1 - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person
October 07, 2010 - 05:16 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
For those of you who are parents, do you remember when you held your first-born child? For first-time parents, the feeling of holding their new born is a combination of humbling and amazing. A new-born is about as fragile and dependent as a human being can be. Each year at Christmas, we celebrate Jesus' birth but it is hard to comprehend that the creator of the world poured combined fused himself with humanity in the womb of Mary. Join Dr. Trucksess in unpacking the identity of Jesus and learn how it changes the way we face suffering.
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - The Human Condition
October 01, 2010 - 10:29 AM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
Have you noticed something is terribly wrong in the world? The good news is in short supply. There is suffering, death, sickness, evil and loss just below the surface everywhere. People are popping Prozac like Tic Tacs to deal with it. Isn't life supposed to be better than this? What has gone wrong? Join Dr. Trucksess as we get a panoramic view of what sin does to life and find the only hope for its pain.
Doctrine - The Human Condition - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - The Human Condition - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - The Human Condition - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - The Human Condition - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - The Human Condition - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - The Bible
September 24, 2010 - 11:47 AM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
We love to speak and be spoken to. Facebook, Twitter, iTunes and cable TV remind us of our insatiable desire for communication. Wouldn't it be nice if God would speak? Thankfully, we are not left to speculation about God but we have revelation from God. God has spoken to us through the Bible. Join Dr. Trucksess to discover how the Bible is God's Words to us today.
Doctrine - The Bible - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - The Bible - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - The Bible - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - The Bible - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - The Bible - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - God
September 16, 2010 - 04:52 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
The latest hi-tech gadgets are about communication... cell phones, texting, blogging, the internet and email. Everybody wants to be connected. Why do we have a burning desire for relationship? It is because we are created in the image of God. Join Dr. Trucksess as we learn why the character of God creates the need for intimacy within us.
Doctrine - God - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - God - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - God - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - God - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - God - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven
August 29, 2010 - 02:30 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
We spent a whole summer on Heaven. I am sure some of you wish we spent less time on heavenly realities and more time helping with earthly troubles. Surprisingly, the study of Heaven is a great help on earth. Join me as we learn the practical ways God changed us through this study.
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Audio - MP3
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - The Hope of Heaven - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - MORE Questions About Heaven
August 19, 2010 - 11:30 AM Sermon SeriesHeaven
Last week I answered questions from the "Build Your Own Sermon" card. This week we continue answering your questions about heaven.
- Should I trust near-death experiences?
- Will Christians who commit suicide go to heaven?
- Who are the 144,000 of Revelation?
- After death, is there another chance to be saved?
- Will we sleep in our resurrection bodies?
- Will we work in heaven?
- Will there be oceans on the New Earth?
Heaven - MORE Questions About Heaven - Audio - MP3
Heaven - MORE Questions About Heaven - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - MORE Questions About Heaven - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - MORE Questions About Heaven - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Questions About Heaven
August 16, 2010 - 02:06 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
Earlier in the summer I circulated a "Build your own sermon" card. I wanted to know your questions about heaven that were not answered in this series. You have great questions! Join Pastor Kurt as he answers questions.
- What is purgatory?
- What is soul sleep?
- Does it matter if I am cremated or buried?
- Can I desire heaven if I know I won't be married to my wife there?
- Will there be animals in heaven?
- Will we eat meat in heaven?
- Will we learn in heaven?
Heaven - Questions About Heaven - Audio - MP3
Heaven - Questions About Heaven - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - Questions About Heaven - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - Questions About Heaven - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Overcoming Grief
August 08, 2010 - 06:05 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
This summer, we are studying what happens after we die. Today, we pause our series and looking at where to find comfort for those left behind. In a clear, and unsettling message, Dr. Trucksess looks at where Christians rest their soul when they lose someone they love.
Heaven - Overcoming Grief - Audio - MP3
Heaven - Overcoming Grief - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - Overcoming Grief - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - Overcoming Grief - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - What about those who can't believe?
August 02, 2010 - 08:51 AM Sermon SeriesHeaven
For the last few weeks, we took a survey. I wanted to know the real-life questions people have about heaven. The most frequently asked questions were about those who can't believe. What happens to them? What happens to people who lived in a foreign land so they never heard of Jesus? What happens to those who die in infancy and were never old enough to believe. Join Dr. Trucksess in discovering the answer to the questions many are asking.
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Audio - MP3
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - The Millennium - What on earth is it?
July 25, 2010 - 03:21 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
How will the end times unfold? Does Christ return and everything happens at once or is there an intermediary kingdom on earth? Join Dr. Trucksess as we learn how the return of Christ unfolds and what may be some of our mistaken assumptions about how it takes place.
Heaven - The Millennium - What on earth is it? - Audio - MP3
Heaven - The Millennium - What on earth is it? - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - The Millennium - What on earth is it? - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - The Millennium - What on earth is it? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Eternal Rewards - My Earthly Choices Make An Eternal Difference
July 19, 2010 - 11:07 AM Sermon SeriesHeaven
As a Christian, our sins are completely forgiven by Christ. The Bible tells us we will not pass into judgment or be condemned. Does this mean it doesn't matter how we live? Will our sins return to haunt us? An ignored topic of the Bible is the doctrine of Eternal Rewards. God promises to reward us for how we live and we can lose reward for the willful sins we commit. Believe it or not, there is a way to insure we can have greater joy in heaven.
Heaven - Eternal Rewards - My Earthly Choices Make An Eternal Difference - Audio - MP3
Heaven - Eternal Rewards - My Earthly Choices Make An Eternal Difference - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - Eternal Rewards - My Earthly Choices Make An Eternal Difference - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - Eternal Rewards - My Earthly Choices Make An Eternal Difference - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Hell - Why Eternal Conscious Punishment Is Not Enough
July 11, 2010 - 12:36 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
This is a sermon you probably will not be able to listen to. The unvarnished truth about hell is more than most people can handle. Can you handle it? Listen to the end and find discover what happens to those who die without Christ and the incredible mercy we receive through Christ.
Heaven - Hell - Why Eternal Conscious Punishment Is Not Enough - Audio - MP3
Heaven - Hell - Why Eternal Conscious Punishment Is Not Enough - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - Hell - Why Eternal Conscious Punishment Is Not Enough - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - Hell - Why Eternal Conscious Punishment Is Not Enough - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Anybody Want A Better Body?
July 04, 2010 - 03:22 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? How many women do you know who go out of the house without makeup? Everybody wishes for a better body. What if I told you that God promises to give you one? Discover the amazing new body that will be ours through Christ.
Heaven - Anybody Want A Better Body? - Audio - MP3
Heaven - Anybody Want A Better Body? - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - Anybody Want A Better Body? - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - Anybody Want A Better Body? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - The New Jerusalem
June 14, 2010 - 11:14 AM Sermon SeriesHeaven
What is the main attraction on the New Heavens and Earth? It is the New Jerusalem. The Bible gives us a visitor's guide to help us imagine it in Revelation 21-22. Join Dr. Trucksess as we explore highlights of our eternal home.
Heaven - The New Jerusalem - Audio - MP3
Heaven - The New Jerusalem - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - The New Jerusalem - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - The New Jerusalem - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - When Heaven Gets Better
June 07, 2010 - 10:26 AM Sermon SeriesHeaven
Did you know there is a time when heaven will get better? There is a time when heaven and earth will be combined forever! Join Dr. Trucksess in learning about our final home with God.
Heaven - When Heaven Gets Better - Audio - MP3
Heaven - When Heaven Gets Better - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - When Heaven Gets Better - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - When Heaven Gets Better - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - One Minute After You Die
May 30, 2010 - 08:15 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
When you go to a funeral, there is a body in the casket but where did the person go? What happens to us one minute after we die? Join Dr. Trucksess as we watch the answer to this question unfold through Scripture.
Heaven - One Minute After You Die - Audio - MP3
Heaven - One Minute After You Die - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - One Minute After You Die - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - One Minute After You Die - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - Why Study Heaven?
May 17, 2010 - 12:27 PM Sermon SeriesHeaven
A recent Harris poll revealed that 82% of Americans believe in heaven and 63% of Americans think they will go there when they die. While many people are interested in heaven, the same Harris poll revealed that most know little about it. Join Dr. Trucksess as we discover the importance of studying heaven.
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Audio - MP3
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - Why Study Heaven? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People
May 09, 2010 - 03:59 PM Sermon SeriesStand Alone Sermons
If you have run from God, will he take you back? Join Dr. Trucksess in discovering God's heart for spiritual runaways.
Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Audio - MP3
Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People - IPad and IPhone Audio - M4A
Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Manuscript - PDF
Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Sermon Handout - PDF
Luke 15 - God Loves Lost People - Small Group Questions - PDF
Easter 2010 - The Centurion's Story
April 04, 2010 - 06:12 PM Sermon SeriesEaster
What would an eyewitness account of the crucifixion and resurrection be like? Sit in on these pivotal days in history through hearing the Centurion's story.
Easter 2010 - The Centurion's Story - Enhanced Audio Podcast - M4A
Easter 2010 - The Centurion's Story - Manuscript - PDF
Easter 2010 - The Centurion's Story - Small Group - PDF
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- Purpose of Life
- Qumran
- Racial Hatred
- Radical Islam
- Rahab
- Rape
- Rapture
- Rebellion
- Reconciliation
- Recovery
- Redemption
- Rejection
- Relapse
- Relationships
- Religious Leaders
- Remarriage
- Remorse
- Renewal
- Repentance
- Resolutions
- Respect
- Rest
- Resurrection
- Retirement
- Return of Christ
- Revelation
- Revenge
- Revival
- Rewards
- Riches
- Righteousness
- Rob Bell
- Robbery
- Romance
- Royal Law
- Sabbath
- Sacrifice
- Salvation
- Sanctification
- Satan
- Saving
- Scarcity
- Self-Discipline
- Selfish Ambition
- Selfishness
- Servant
- Serving
- Sex
- Shame
- Sheol
- Shepherding
- Shepherds
- Sickness
- Significance
- Simplicity
- Sin
- Singing
- Single Mother
- Skills
- Slander
- Slavery
- Sleep
- Social Gospel
- Soul Sleep
- Sovereignty
- Spiritual Apathy
- Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Maturity
- Spiritual Warfare
- Stealing
- Stewardship
- Strength
- Stress
- Submission
- Success
- Suffering
- Suicide
- Swearing
- Sympathy
- Taxes
- Teachers
- Teamwork
- Temptation
- Ten Commandments
- Tests
- Textual Criticism
- Thankful
- Thanksgiving
- The Da Vinci Code
- The New Jerusalem
- Thief
- Thought Life
- Time
- Tithing
- Tongue
- Topical Preaching
- Total Depravity
- Tradition
- Tragedy
- Transgender
- Trials
- Trinity
- Triumphal Entry
- Trust
- Truth
- Unforgivable Sin
- Unity
- Universalism
- Vacations
- Vengeance
- Violence
- Virgin Birth
- Virtual Church
- Vision
- Vows
- Vulnerability
- Waiting
- War
- Wealth
- Weath
- Weddings
- White Throne Judgment
- Widow
- Wife
- Wisdom
- Wise Men
- Witchcraft
- Woman
- Womanhood
- Words
- Work
- Works
- World Religions
- Worldliness
- Worry
- Worship
- Wrath of God