Jude 5-7 - The Deadly Danger Of Rejecting Jesus
September 05, 2021 - 04:16 PM Sermon SeriesJude
This week, Hurricane Ida pounded the East coast resulting in a staggering loss of life. As America leaves Afghanistan, the Taliban began moving house to house assassinating American sympathizers. Our hearts break to hear of these tragic and needless deaths. This weekend, as we continue our study in the book of Jude, we come face to face with a tragedy greater than any seen on the news: rebellion against Jesus — which is the greatest tragedy in the universe. Join us as we learn how fighting for the faith once for all delivered to the saints to make this is a tragedy we can avoid.
Jude 5-7 - The Deadly Danger Of Rejecting Jesus - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - MP3
Jude 5-7 - The Deadly Danger Of Rejecting Jesus - Manuscript - PDF
Jude 5-7 - The Deadly Danger Of Rejecting Jesus - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Jude 5-7 - The Deadly Danger Of Rejecting Jesus - Sermon Handout With Blanks Booklet - PDF
Jude 5-7 - The Deadly Danger Of Rejecting Jesus - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
2 Timothy 3:5-9 - How Do I Avoid Getting Spiritually Scammed?
April 11, 2021 - 04:17 PM Sermon Series2 Timothy
Each week our phone rings with a number we do not recognize. It is usually a robo-caller or a scammer claiming they want to sell us an obscure product, such as an extended warranty on our car. The growth of the Internet has led to exponential growth in the scam artist industry. Through the Internet people reach across the ocean and attempt to steal our money and identity. Learning how to protect ourselves from these scoundrels is an essential part of life in the modern world. Scam artists are not just after our wallet. Some are after our soul. Join us as we learn how to avoid getting spiritually scammed and led astray.
2 Timothy 3:5-9 - How Do I Avoid Getting Spiritually Scammed? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
2 Timothy 3:5-9 - How Do I Avoid Getting Spiritually Scammed? - Manuscript - PDF
2 Timothy 3:5-9 - How Do I Avoid Getting Spiritually Scammed? - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
2 Timothy 3:5-9 - How Do I Avoid Getting Spiritually Scammed? - Sermon Handout With Blanks Booklet - PDF
2 Timothy 3:5-9 - How Do I Avoid Getting Spiritually Scammed? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
2 Timothy 1:9-18 - Guarding The Gospel
January 31, 2021 - 09:22 PM Sermon Series2 Timothy
One of a soldier’s highest honors is to stand guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. If you have visited Arlington National Cemetery, you know how seriously each sentinel takes his duty. The tomb of the Unknown Soldier has been guarded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week since 1937. No matter the weather the sentinels guard the tomb. Even in September 2003 during Hurricane Isabel, the sentinels kept guard. This week we look at an honor greater than guarding the Unknown Soldier’s tomb. We have the honor of guarding the gospel message. Nothing is more precious. Nothing is more valuable. Nothing is worth standing for more than the honor of speaking the truth of what God has done for us through Jesus. Join me as we learn how to guard the true gospel and to avoid being pressured into believing a false one.
2 Timothy 1:9-18 - Guarding The Gospel - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
2 Timothy 1:9-18 - Guarding The Gospel - Manuscript - PDF
2 Timothy 1:9-18 - Guarding The Gospel - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
2 Timothy 1:9-18 - Guarding The Gospel - Sermon Handout With Blanks Booklet - PDF
2 Timothy 1:9-18 - Guarding The Gospel - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
1 Timothy 6:3-10 - What Are The Dangers Of Loving Money?
June 18, 2017 - 10:37 AM Sermon Series1 Timothy
We live in an affluent culture where we are bombarded by pressure to by the latest and the greatest. Advertisers spend a startling amount of money endeavoring to create a need in us to buy their stuff. While having money and the resources to purchase some of the latest technology is not wrong, that burning desire within us where we try to raise our self-worth by raising our net-work can get us into deep spiritual trouble. Join us as we discover the hidden danger of materialism and loving money.
1 Timothy 6:3-10 - What Are The Dangers Of Loving Money? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
1 Timothy 6:3-10 - What Are The Dangers Of Loving Money? - Manuscript - PDF
1 Timothy 6:3-10 - What Are The Dangers Of Loving Money? - Sermon Handout - PDF
1 Timothy 6:3-10 - What Are The Dangers Of Loving Money? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
1 Timothy 6:3-10 - What Are The Dangers Of Loving Money? - Digging Deeper Sermon Study - PDF
1 Timothy 1:1-11 - Don't Take Your Eyes Off Jesus
February 05, 2017 - 04:56 PM Sermon Series1 Timothy
What is the latest popular Christian book you read? Was it The Four Blood Moons? Was it Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo? While these types of books are engaging, they lead us toward speculation instead of Jesus. In the opening verses of Paul's letter to Timothy, he warns Timothy—and us—about the danger of becoming captivated by theological fantasies and being distracted from Jesus.
1 Timothy 1:1-11 - Don't Take Your Eyes Off Jesus - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
1 Timothy 1:1-11 - Don't Take Your Eyes Off Jesus - Manuscript - PDF
1 Timothy 1:1-11 - Don't Take Your Eyes Off Jesus - Sermon Handout - PDF
1 Timothy 1:1-11 - Don't Take Your Eyes Off Jesus - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
1 Timothy 1:1-11 - Don't Take Your Eyes Off Jesus - Digging Deeper Sermon Study - PDF
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