Naaman - Healing And Humility
September 03, 2023 - 04:18 PM Sermon SeriesBroken Vessels
On September 11, airplanes were hijacked. Two were flown into the Twin Towers, and another into the Pentagon. Flight 93 did not reach its target (probably the White House) thanks to a handful of ordinary people that God used to make a difference. As we continue our study on how God uses ordinary and broken people to make a big difference, in 2 Kings 5, we meet an unnamed junior high girl who was captured and sold into slavery. God used her to reach the second most powerful person in the Syrian empire. If God can use a broken and ordinary person like her to grow his kingdom, God has a good plan to grow his kingdom through you and me.
Naaman - Healing And Humility - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Naaman - Healing And Humility - Manuscript - PDF
Naaman - Healing And Humility - Sermon Handout Viewable - PDF
Naaman - Healing And Humility - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Naaman - Healing And Humility - Sermon Handout Booklet With Blanks - PDF
Naaman - Healing And Humility - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX Read More...
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life
July 05, 2020 - 11:52 AM Sermon SeriesPhilippians
It is said the most powerful form of teaching is what is caught, not what is taught. Seeing how people live is more important than hearing what people say. In Philippians 2, Paul taught us about humility as a principle. He also taught us about humility by Jesus, the ultimate example. The problem with Jesus is the humility in his life feels unattainable. Wouldn't it be nice if we could see what Christ-like humility in the life of ordinary people looks like in everyday life? That is what we have in these verses. Paul shows us what God-honoring humility looks like in the life of real people like you and me, Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus.
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life - Manuscript - PDF
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life - Sermon Handout 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life - Sermon Handout with blanks 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life - Sermon Handout with blanks Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:16-30 - Humility In Real Life - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor
June 14, 2020 - 02:14 PM Sermon SeriesPhilippians
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was arrested for using a fake $20 bill. The arresting police officers abused their position of authority. One placed his knee on George's neck taking his life. An outraged community protested. Unfortunately, some of those protests turned violent as police were attacked, buildings were burned, and stores were looted. This rioting spread across the country and even around the world. As a result was that the racial divide between blacks and white was widened, not brought together. There is now more anger and hatred, not less. What does the Bible say is the path to unity in our broken world? The path to unity is not through rioting, it is through humility instead of hatred. In these amazing verses, we see how Jesus is the model of humility that we are to follow. It was his humility that restored our relationship with God. It was his humility that led him to the position of highest honor, not to shame.
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor - Manuscript - PDF
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor - Sermon Handout 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor - Sermon Handout with blanks 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor - Sermon Handout with blanks Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:5-11 - Humility Leads To Honor - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility
May 31, 2020 - 11:13 AM Sermon SeriesPhilippians
In seminary, I have a number of Korean friends. Spending time with them, I learned they take church very seriously. They can also have strong opinions on the way church should be done. As a result, Korean churches are know for splitting. One statistic I read claims the average Korean church splits every eight years because of turmoil. Not all churches are that way. Some churches manage to weather storms of conflict and come out stronger on the other side. How do that do it? In this message, we learn the difference between churches that divide and churches that survive.
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility - Manuscript - PDF
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility - Sermon Handout 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility - Sermon Handout with blanks 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility - Sermon Handout with blanks Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:1-4 - Unity Through Humility - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 10:32-45 - Two Paths To Greatness
November 24, 2019 - 07:10 PM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
Washington grows egos better than Iowa grows corn. Most politicians are not humble public servants but men and women laced with pride desiring to wield power and like social media addicts, they dream of headlining the news. Is climbing over people the path to true greatness? Is being in power and control the way to know you are significant? In this study, Jesus tells us the path to true greatness.
Mark 10:32-45 - Two Paths To Greatness - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 10:32-45 - Two Paths To Greatness - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 10:32-45 - Two Paths To Greatness - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 10:32-45 - Two Paths To Greatness - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 10:32-45 - Two Paths To Greatness - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 9:30-41 - The Way Up Is Down
October 13, 2019 - 01:59 PM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
Albert Haynesworth was considered one of the top picks in the 2002 NFL Draft. He was drafted first round to the Tennessee Titans. While he had a bright career in front of him, there was a fatal flaw inside of him. That flaw burst onto the public scene in a game between the Tennessee Titans and the Dallas Cowboys. Dallas was winning. Andre Gurode, the Dallas center, was on the ground after a play when Haynesworth attacked him. He tore off his helmet and with cleated shoes stomped on Gurode's face nearly missing his eye but leaving him with deep cuts on his face that required 30 stitches. After the game, when Haynesworth was asked why he attacked the Dallas center he said, "I am a prideful guy. I hate to lose." That was the beginning of Haynesworth's decline in the NFL. He eventually became known as the worst free-agent draft in NFL history. This man was an amazing athletic talent, but pride destroyed his life. Pride isn't just deadly for football players. It is especially deadly for Christians. Join me as we find out why.
Mark 9:30-41 - The Way Up Is Down - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 9:30-41 - The Way Up Is Down - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 9:30-41 - The Way Up Is Down - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 9:30-41 - The Way Up Is Down - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 9:30-41 - The Way Up Is Down - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 9:14-29 - Too Proud To Pray
October 06, 2019 - 11:51 AM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
Today we usually hear stories of bad fathers. We hear stories of fathers neglecting their children and using their children for their own selfish gain. As we continue our study in the Gospel of Mark, we meet a great father. We meet a dad who tirelessly gave of himself to caring for his sick son, his only child. This dad frequently risked his life to save his son's life. As part of this father's tireless commitment to care for his sick boy, he tracked down Jesus' disciples and begging them to cure his son. Join us as we learn what the disciples did, and what we can easily do, that shuts down the strength of Jesus working in our lives.
Mark 9:14-29 - Too Proud To Pray - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 9:14-29 - Too Proud To Pray - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 9:14-29 - Too Proud To Pray - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 9:14-29 - Too Proud To Pray - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 9:14-29 - Too Proud To Pray - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Colossians 3:12-17 - How Does Jesus Change The Way I Treat People?
November 26, 2017 - 03:15 PM Sermon SeriesColossians
How do Christians handle conflict differently than other people? In this message, we learn how Jesus changes the way we handle conflict.
Colossians 3:12–17 - How Does Jesus Change The Way I Treat People? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Colossians 3:12–17 - How Does Jesus Change The Way I Treat People? - Manuscript - PDF
Colossians 3:12–17 - How Does Jesus Change The Way I Treat People? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Colossians 3:12–17 - How Does Jesus Change The Way I Treat People? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Genesis 49 - How To Leave A Good Legacy
January 08, 2017 - 11:11 AM Sermon SeriesGenesis
As President Obama spends his final days in office the news pundits are discussing the legacy he will leave behind. All of us will leave a legacy for our children and the generations that follow. In Genesis 49, as Jacob prepares to die, he blesses his sons and tells them of the legacy they will leave. As we study this chapter we learn the importance of repentance and humility to leave behind a legacy worth following.
Genesis 49 - How To Leave A Good Legacy - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Genesis 49 - How To Leave A Good Legacy - Manuscript - PDF
Genesis 49 - How To Leave A Good Legacy - Sermon Handout - PDF
Genesis 49 - How To Leave A Good Legacy - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Genesis 49 - How To Leave A Good Legacy - Digging Deeper Sermon Study - PDF
Genesis 41 - What Is The Secret Of Success?
October 09, 2016 - 04:14 PM Sermon SeriesGenesis
Howard Schultz grew up destitute in Brooklyn New York. A football scholarship gave him a college education and his college degree landed him a job at Xerox. it was soon a small coffee chain caught his eye. He was eventually able to convince the chain to hire him as their CEO. In the next few years he turned the 60 small stores into a business worth over a billion dollars. That is the Starbucks story. We all love a rags-to-riches story. Even more than reading one, all us would like to be one. As we continue our study of Joseph, we find him at his rags-to-riches moment. As we study is life, we will learn what qualities God is looking for in our life that may open the door to an unexpected rags-to-riches story of our own.
Genesis 41 - What Is The Secret Of Success? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Genesis 41 - What Is The Secret Of Success? - Manuscript - PDF
Genesis 41 - What Is The Secret Of Success? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Genesis 41 - What Is The Secret Of Success? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Genesis 41 - What Is The Secret Of Success? - Digging Deeper Sermon Study - PDF
1 Peter 5:1-5 - Humble Shepherds And Their Sheep
February 22, 2015 - 03:06 PM Sermon Series1 Peter
When churches split, what goes wrong? How can we prevent a church from crumbling when differences of opinion rear their head? In this message Peter show church leaders and the congregation what they need to make it through the hard times without blowing apart.
1 Peter 5:1-5 - Humble Shepherds And Their Sheep - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
1 Peter 5:1-5 - Humble Shepherds And Their Sheep - Manuscript - PDF
1 Peter 5:1-5 - Humble Shepherds And Their Sheep - Sermon Handout - PDF
1 Peter 5:1-5 - Humble Shepherds And Their Sheep - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
1 Peter 5:1-5 - Humble Shepherds And Their Sheep - Life Group Work Sheets - PDF
John 3:22-36 - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease
July 12, 2012 - 05:24 PM Sermon SeriesGospel of John
Everyone faces times of loss. Every career that rises must eventually set. In this message, we discover how John the Baptist handles losing market share in the baptism business. We learn how to survive the seasons of life where our influence wanes.
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - He Must Increase, I Must Decrease - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
John 1:14-34 - John, The Baptizer
May 13, 2012 - 09:26 AM Sermon SeriesGospel of John
One of the best ways to introduce somebody is through a mutual friend. John the Baptist was a well-know figure of the ancient world. In this message, we learn John the Baptist's opinion of Jesus and why Jesus said about him "among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist."
John on Jesus - John, the Baptizer - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - John, the Baptizer - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - John, the Baptizer - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - John, the Baptizer - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - John, the Baptizer - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
James 4:7-10 - The Ten Commandments of James
September 08, 2011 - 12:42 PM Sermon SeriesJames
How much pride is in your life? Most of us picture ourselves as more humble than we really are. For God's grace to be operative in our hearts, James tells us to cultivate humility. What does humility look like? What steps can we take to become more humble? Giving us ten brief commands, James tells us how to develop humility in our life. Best of all, he ends with a promise from God that we can rest in when we travel down that difficult path.
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Audio - MP3
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Manuscript - PDF
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Sermon Handout - PDF
James - The Ten Commandments of James - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
James 4:5-6 - He Gives More Grace
September 01, 2011 - 09:46 AM Sermon SeriesJames
What happens when we fail God, not just once, but again and again. Is there a time when God says enough is enough? Is there a limit to the grace God is willing to extend for the continual sin in our lives? In this message, we discover the depth of God's forgiveness. The one thing that is necessary to receive it and the one thing that can stop it from flowing into our lives.
James - He Gives More Grace - Audio - MP3
James - He Gives More Grace - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
James - He Gives More Grace - Manuscript - PDF
James - He Gives More Grace - Sermon Handout - PDF
James - He Gives More Grace - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person
October 07, 2010 - 05:16 PM Sermon SeriesDoctrine
For those of you who are parents, do you remember when you held your first-born child? For first-time parents, the feeling of holding their new born is a combination of humbling and amazing. A new-born is about as fragile and dependent as a human being can be. Each year at Christmas, we celebrate Jesus' birth but it is hard to comprehend that the creator of the world poured combined fused himself with humanity in the womb of Mary. Join Dr. Trucksess in unpacking the identity of Jesus and learn how it changes the way we face suffering.
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Jesus Christ's Person - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
An Ordinary Christmas - I was born in a small town
December 21, 2009 - 12:33 PM Sermon SeriesAn Ordinary Christmas
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