2 Samuel 10 - Resisting The King
May 28, 2023 - 07:40 PM Sermon Series2 Samuel
Shaquille O’Neill, the four-time NBA champion and one of the greatest basketball players ever, renounced his celebrity status in an interview with the New York Post. He feels celebrities are “freaking crazy.” He doesn’t like how they treat people, what they do with their life, and what they say. “That has never been me.” Shaq said, “I hope to be remembered for my kindness both on and off the basketball court.” In 2 Samuel 10, David also shows incredible kindness. The question is, will people embrace or reject the kindness of the king?
2 Samuel 10 - Resisting The King - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
2 Samuel 10 - Resisting The King - Manuscript - PDF
2 Samuel 10 - Resisting The King - Sermon Handout Viewable - PDF
2 Samuel 10 - Resisting The King - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
2 Samuel 10 - Resisting The King - Sermon Handout Booklet With Blanks - PDF
2 Samuel 10 - Resisting The King - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX Read More...
Jude 24-25 - The Greatness Of God Demands The Worship Of God
October 17, 2021 - 08:26 PM Sermon SeriesJude
If you need a box of diapers, you will have a hard time finding them. Due to inflation and supply chain issues at least 1 in 3 Americans are facing a diaper shortage. Diapers are not the only item that is hard to find. Just about everything is scarce and pricey. As a result, people grumble against those in power. In the final message of Jude, we find there is no reason to grumble about what our God has done for us. Instead, there is every reason to sing his praises now and forever. Join us in the final message of Jude as we discover why the greatness of our God demands the worship of his people.
Jude 24-25 - The Greatness Of God Demands The Worship Of God - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - MP3
Jude 24-25 - The Greatness Of God Demands The Worship Of God - Manuscript - PDF
Jude 24-25 - The Greatness Of God Demands The Worship Of God - Sermon Handout Viewable - PDF
Jude 24-25 - The Greatness Of God Demands The Worship Of God - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Jude 24-25 - The Greatness Of God Demands The Worship Of God - Sermon Handout Booklet With Blanks - PDF
Jude 24-25 - The Greatness Of God Demands The Worship Of God - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything
July 12, 2020 - 09:27 AM Sermon SeriesPhilippians
It surprises some people to know the Bible uses bad words. When the Bible uses bad words, it uses them to describe bad things, so the words are a fitting description. In these verses, the Apostle Paul, who is usually a joyous person, uses strong words against anyone that tries to lead us away from simple trust in Jesus to be saved from our sin. Paul gives a refresher course on what it means to be a Christian and what sets simple faith in Jesus apart from every other religion in the world.
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything - Manuscript - PDF
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything - Sermon Handout 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything - Sermon Handout with blanks 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything - Sermon Handout with blanks Booklet - PDF
Philippians 3:1-11 - Jesus Plus Anything Ruins Everything - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Out Attitude
June 28, 2020 - 04:29 PM Sermon SeriesPhilippians
Where does spiritual maturity come from? Is spiritual maturity found in hard work, study, sacrifice and the pain of turning away from sin or is it about ending all of our effort and simply relying on God to change us? Is spiritual maturity something we do or something God does in us? Join us as we learn where how spiritual maturity comes from in the Christian life. We will also learn how spiritual maturity changes our attitude.
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Our Attitude - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Our Attitude - Manuscript - PDF
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Our Attitude - Sermon Handout 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Our Attitude - Sermon Handout with blanks 8.5x11 - PDF
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Our Attitude - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Our Attitude - Sermon Handout with blanks Booklet - PDF
Philippians 2:12-15 - Working Out Our Salvation And Our Attitude - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 11:1-11 - The Triumphal Entry
January 12, 2020 - 11:42 AM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
A 2015 Gallop poll revealed 75 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. If that were true, don't you think our country would be different? Don't you think the comments we read in social media would be kinder? That Gallop poll revealed many people want to casually associate with Jesus but in truth far less are interested in following Jesus. Join us as we learn the dangers of being a casual fan of Jesus instead of a follower as we study the Triumphal Entry.
Mark 11:1–11 - The Triumphal Entry - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 11:1–11 - The Triumphal Entry - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 11:1–11 - The Triumphal Entry - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 11:1–11 - The Triumphal Entry - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 11:1–11 - The Triumphal Entry - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 10:17-31 - Jesus Does The Impossible
November 17, 2019 - 06:15 PM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
We often hear we can do anything if we just try hard enough. We know that isn't true. For example, it is impossible to lick our elbows. It is impossible to wiggle one ear. It is impossible to sneeze with our eyes open. There are many things impossible for us to do, but they are not impossible for God to do. In this message we look at how God made us a part of the kingdom of God through Jesus, something that was impossible for us to do for ourselves so God did it for us through Jesus, his Son.
Mark 10:17-31 - Jesus Does The Impossible - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 10:17-31 - Jesus Does The Impossible - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 10:17-31 - Jesus Does The Impossible - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 10:17-31 - Jesus Does The Impossible - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 10:17-31 - Jesus Does The Impossible - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 8:34-9:1 - How Do I Become A Christian?
September 22, 2019 - 08:00 PM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
If someone were to ask you what they needed to do to become a Christian, what would you say? Across the country, pastors are inviting people to become Christians, but how do we know they are giving the right invitation? In this message, we look at the original gospel invitation given by Jesus. Surprisingly, most of today's gospel invitations do not look anything like the original one.
Mark 8:34-9:1 - How Do I Become A Christian? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 8:34-9:1 - How Do I Become A Christian? - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 8:34-9:1 - How Do I Become A Christian? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 8:34-9:1 - How Do I Become A Christian? - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 8:34-9:1 - How Do I Become A Christian? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Does All Things Well
June 02, 2019 - 01:50 PM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
One of the most frustrating problems with employees is when they don't complete a job. It is also frustrating when an employee completes a job but does not accomplish good work. In this message, we examine the work ethic of Jesus' miracles. We will learn he was famous for doing all things well, even his miracles.
Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Does All Things Well - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Does All Things Well - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Does All Things Well - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Does All Things Well - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 7:31-37 - Jesus Does All Things Well - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus Sends Out The Apostles
March 24, 2019 - 09:31 AM Sermon SeriesGospel of Mark
Half-way through Jesus' three years of ministry, he send out his apostles on a short-term mission trip as part of their training. The sending out of Jesus' apostles is filled with instructions describing what faithful ministry would look like for them, and what it still looks like today.
Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus Sends Out The Apostles - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus Sends Out The Apostles - Manuscript - PDF
Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus Sends Out The Apostles - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus Sends Out The Apostles - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus Sends Out The Apostles - Leader's Guide - PDF
Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus Sends Out The Apostles - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Command 1 - No Other Gods Before Me
May 27, 2018 - 05:27 PM Sermon SeriesTen Commandments
In 1993, the Church of Scotland debated over a proposal to adopt the stance that salvation was found in Jesus Christ alone. The resolution failed 400 to 300. This is because there is so much cultural pressure to believe in more than one God and more than one way to God. The first commandment tells us this is not true. Our God is a jealous God who wants us to pour out our affections only to Him and His Son. Join us as we learn why God doesn't tolerate rivals.
Command 1 - No Other Gods Before Me - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Command 1 - No Other Gods Before Me - Manuscript - PDF
Command 1 - No Other Gods Before Me - Sermon Handout - PDF
Command 1 - No Other Gods Before Me - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Command 1 - No Other Gods Before Me - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
How Can I Know Jesus Rose From The Dead?
April 01, 2018 - 08:31 PM Sermon SeriesEaster
Easter is one of the best parts of the Christian calendar. While Jesus' resurrection is good news, for many, it is news that is hard to believe. We live in a world of smartphones, computers and the Internet. Someone rising from the dead sounds like a theme from the latest Marvel Comic movie, not something you can base your life upon. In this message, we examine 10 reasons why we can be sure Jesus rose from the dead and how the proof of the resurrection changes everyday living.
How Can I Know Jesus Rose From The Dead? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
How Can I Know Jesus Rose From The Dead? - Manuscript - PDF
How Can I Know Jesus Rose From The Dead? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Where Was Christ Before The Manger?
December 24, 2017 - 05:25 PM Sermon SeriesStand Alone Sermons
We have potential existence before our birth but Micah 5:2 tells us Jesus had actual existence before his birth, he existed in eternity past. What was Jesus doing before his birth? How was our savior involved with the world before Bethlehem? Join us as we go behind the scenes and learn the little known story of Christ before the manger.
Where Was Christ Before The Manger? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Where Was Christ Before The Manger? - Manuscript - PDF
Where Was Christ Before The Manger? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Where Was Christ Before The Manger? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Colossians 1:3-14 - What Are The Basics Of Saving Faith?
October 15, 2017 - 09:30 AM Sermon SeriesColossians
How do you know if someone is a Christian? How do you grow as a Christians? How can we leads others to become Christians? In the opening verses of Paul's letter to the church in Colossae, he answers these crucial questions for knowing Jesus.
Colossians 1:3-14 - What Are The Basics Of Saving Faith? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Colossians 1:3-14 - What Are The Basics Of Saving Faith? - Manuscript - PDF
Colossians 1:3-14 - What Are The Basics Of Saving Faith? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Colossians 1:3-14 - What Are The Basics Of Saving Faith? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
1 Timothy 1:12-20 - Jesus Changes Lives
February 12, 2017 - 10:40 AM Sermon Series1 Timothy
Is there a time in life when we are beyond hope? Is there a time when our life is ruined beyond repair? In this study, we learn that no matter what we have done, there is always hope and a future through Jesus. When it comes to hope for the future what matters is not the size of our sin but what we do with Jesus, our savior.
1 Timothy 1:12-20 - Jesus Changes Lives - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
1 Timothy 1:12-20 - Jesus Changes Lives - Manuscript - PDF
1 Timothy 1:12-20 - Jesus Changes Lives - Sermon Handout - PDF
1 Timothy 1:12-20 - Jesus Changes Lives - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
1 Timothy 1:12-20 - Jesus Changes Lives - Digging Deeper Sermon Study - PDF
Genesis 28 - Stairway To Heaven
May 08, 2016 - 04:35 PM Sermon SeriesGenesis
In 1971 Led Zeppelin released the song Stairway to Heaven. It rocked to success and is still ranked as one of the 500 greatest songs of all-time. VH1 considers it the third greatest song of all-time. Stairway to Heaven is a song about a constant search for meaning in a world of ambiguity. It is a message of no universal truth. Ironically, the Bible tells us there is a real stairway to heaven. God revealed it to Jacob in Genesis 28. It is not a man-made path up where we climb to God. It is a God-made path where God he reaches down to us. As Jesus says in John 1:51, I am the stairway to heaven.
Genesis 28 - Stairway to Heaven - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Genesis 28 - Stairway to Heaven - Manuscript - PDF
Genesis 28 - Stairway to Heaven - Sermon Handout - PDF
Genesis 28 - Stairway to Heaven - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Genesis 28 - Stairway to Heaven - Life Group Work Sheet - PDF
Leviticus 1 - Burnt Offering
November 22, 2015 - 12:22 PM Sermon SeriesChristmas from Leviticus
The book of Leviticus talks about sacrifices we no longer offer, a priesthood that no longer exists and practices that we can't relate. What good is it for Christians and what does it mean for Christmas? In this exciting series we examine the five offerings in the first seven chapters of Leviticus and see how they are point to Christ and what he was born to accomplish. In the first sacrifice, the burnt offering, we find the importance of a costly perfect substitute to die in our place to bring us into a relationship with God.
Leviticus 1 - Burnt Offering - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Leviticus 1 - Burnt Offering - Manuscript - PDF
Leviticus 1 - Burnt Offering - Sermon Handout - PDF
Leviticus 1 - Burnt Offering - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
Leviticus 1 - Burnt Offering - Life Group Work Sheet - PDF
Isaiah 42:1-9 - Jesus, the Gift of Restored Relationships
December 01, 2013 - 03:02 PM Sermon SeriesChristmas from Isaiah
Christmas is a time for memories with family and friends. Unfortunately, for many, Christmas is a filled with memories of frustration and pain. Unresolved marital arguments come to the surface. Fights between extended family members ruin holiday meals. How can the broken relationships that litter our lives be fixed? In Isaiah 42, we find God the Father sent us a gift in his son Jesus. Jesus came to restore the relationships broken by sin in our life.
Isaiah 42:1-9 - Jesus, the Gift of Restored Relationships - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Isaiah 42:1-9 - Jesus, the Gift of Restored Relationships - Manuscript - PDF
Isaiah 42:1-9 - Jesus, the Gift of Restored Relationships - Sermon Handout - PDF
Isaiah 42:1-9 - Jesus, the Gift of Restored Relationships - Life Group Work Sheet - PDF
September 22, 2013 - 04:31 PM Sermon SeriesFingerprint
At Faith Church, what can you expect? In this series, we cover seven core values that drive the Faith Church experience. We want them felt across all campuses. Our first core value is the relevant expositional teaching of the Bible. The Bible and church history are clear. The people of God are always created and sustained by the Word of God. Relevant expositional teaching of the Word of God is how God gathers and sustains his church.
FINGERPRINT - Bible - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
FINGERPRINT - Bible - Manuscript - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Bible - Sermon Handout - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Bible - Life Group Work Sheet - PDF
FINGERPRINT - Bible - Leader's Guide - PDF
John 3:16 - The Greatest Verse in the Bible
July 01, 2012 - 11:23 AM Sermon SeriesGospel of John
John 3:16 is the most famous verse in the Bible. It has made inroads into popular culture appearing on cups, shopping bags and even Tim Tebow's eye paint! What shocking truth does it tell us that we take for granted? Even worse, it is possible to know John 3:16 but fail to have its truth a reality in your life. In this message, we see the power of John 3:16 in a way we may have missed.
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
John 3:1-15 - You Must Be Born Again
June 24, 2012 - 12:10 PM Sermon SeriesGospel of John
What does it mean to be born again? Does it mean you need to be baptized? How do you know if someone is born again? In John 3, Jesus meets Nicodemus, a man who can't figure out the riddle of what it means to be born again. Join us in learning what it means and how it can happen in your life!
John on Jesus - You Must Be Born Again - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - You Must Be Born Again - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - You Must Be Born Again - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - You Must Be Born Again - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - You Must Be Born Again - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF
Psalm 110 - The Rest of the Christmas Story (Christmas Eve 2011)
December 24, 2011 - 07:32 PM Sermon SeriesChristmas from the Psalms
Psalm 110 is the most quoted Psalm from the Old Testament in the New. It is also the most quoted chapter from the Old Testament in the New. Psalm 110 vets 1 is quoted 24 times. This Psalm was central to the New Testament writers understand of who Jesus is and what he came to do. Unlike we often consider Jesus, it is not a Psalm about Christ's humility but his authority. It is not primarily about his first coming but about his second, when he will crush, destroy and butcher his enemies. It is the rest of the Christmas story we never hear.
Christmas from the Psalms - Psalm 110 - The Rest of the Christmas Story - Audio - MP3
Christmas from the Psalms - Psalm 110 - The Rest of the Christmas Story - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
Christmas from the Psalms - Psalm 110 - The Rest of the Christmas Story - Manuscript - PDF
Christmas from the Psalms - Psalm 110 - The Rest of the Christmas Story - Sermon Handout - PDF
Heaven - What about those who can't believe?
August 02, 2010 - 08:51 AM Sermon SeriesHeaven
For the last few weeks, we took a survey. I wanted to know the real-life questions people have about heaven. The most frequently asked questions were about those who can't believe. What happens to them? What happens to people who lived in a foreign land so they never heard of Jesus? What happens to those who die in infancy and were never old enough to believe. Join Dr. Trucksess in discovering the answer to the questions many are asking.
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Audio - MP3
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Manuscript - PDF
Heaven - What about those who can't believe? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith
November 29, 2009 - 09:41 PM Sermon SeriesStand Alone Sermons
Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Audio - MP3
Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Enhanced Podcast - AAC
Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Manuscript - PDF
Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Sermon Handout - PDF
Christ - The Focus of All Saving Faith - Small Group Questions - PDF
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- Predestination
- Prejudice
- Pride
- Priorities
- Prodigal Son
- Productivity
- Promises
- Prophecy
- Prosperity Gospel
- Protection
- Providence
- Psychics
- Pu
- Public Affection
- Punishment
- Purgatory
- Purity
- Purpose of Life
- Qumran
- Racial Hatred
- Radical Islam
- Rahab
- Rape
- Rapture
- Rebellion
- Reconciliation
- Recovery
- Redemption
- Rejection
- Relapse
- Relationships
- Religious Leaders
- Remarriage
- Remorse
- Renewal
- Repentance
- Resolutions
- Respect
- Rest
- Resurrection
- Retirement
- Return of Christ
- Revelation
- Revenge
- Revival
- Rewards
- Riches
- Righteousness
- Rob Bell
- Robbery
- Romance
- Royal Law
- Sabbath
- Sacrifice
- Salvation
- Sanctification
- Satan
- Saving
- Scarcity
- Self-Discipline
- Selfish Ambition
- Selfishness
- Servant
- Serving
- Sex
- Shame
- Sheol
- Shepherding
- Shepherds
- Sickness
- Significance
- Simplicity
- Sin
- Singing
- Single Mother
- Skills
- Slander
- Slavery
- Sleep
- Social Gospel
- Soul Sleep
- Sovereignty
- Spiritual Apathy
- Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Maturity
- Spiritual Warfare
- Stealing
- Stewardship
- Strength
- Stress
- Submission
- Success
- Suffering
- Suicide
- Swearing
- Sympathy
- Taxes
- Teachers
- Teamwork
- Temptation
- Ten Commandments
- Tests
- Textual Criticism
- Thankful
- Thanksgiving
- The Da Vinci Code
- The New Jerusalem
- Thief
- Thought Life
- Time
- Tithing
- Tongue
- Topical Preaching
- Total Depravity
- Tradition
- Tragedy
- Transgender
- Trials
- Trinity
- Triumphal Entry
- Trust
- Truth
- Unforgivable Sin
- Unity
- Universalism
- Vacations
- Vengeance
- Violence
- Virgin Birth
- Virtual Church
- Vision
- Vows
- Vulnerability
- Waiting
- War
- Wealth
- Weath
- Weddings
- White Throne Judgment
- Widow
- Wife
- Wisdom
- Wise Men
- Witchcraft
- Woman
- Womanhood
- Words
- Work
- Works
- World Religions
- Worldliness
- Worry
- Worship
- Wrath of God