Christ 2R Culture

Jude 7 - Homosexuality And Hell

Franklin Graham had a full house at the Hertz arena where he made a stop on his Decision America tour. Surprisingly thousands have signed petitions to stop Franklin Graham from speaking in arenas around the country. The Reverend Nathan Empsall explains why, “Graham engages in repeated hatred against the LGBTQ community despite the fact that each and every person is made in God’s image.” What has Franklin Graham said that the LGBTQ community finds so hateful and offensive? Graham claims the Bible calls homosexuality a sin of which people need to repent, not an alternative lifestyle God wants us to enjoy. With so many churches and denominations endorsing homosexuality and celebrating the LGBTQ lifestyle, is Franklin Graham wrong? Join us this weekend as we find out what the Bible says about homosexuality and hell.

Jude 7 - Homosexuality And Hell - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - MP3
Jude 7 - Homosexuality And Hell
- Manuscript - PDF
Jude 7 - Homosexuality And Hell - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
Jude 7 - Homosexuality And Hell - Sermon Handout With Blanks Booklet - PDF
Jude 7 - Homosexuality And Hell - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
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