Christ 2R Culture

Mark 12:28-34 - What Is The Greatest Commandment?

The web site "Record Setter" has a unique way of setting world records. They allow contestants to video tape themselves attempting to set world records. If they beat the world record in a category, they moved to the top of the category as a new record holder. In preparation for this message, I checked the "I love you" category on the "Record Setter" web site. Currently the world record for saying, "I love you" the most times in 30 seconds is held by a youth pastor! He told his wife "I love you" 69 times in only 30 seconds. While someone can set a record saying those words, it is much harder to be a recorder setter when it comes to living out those words and showing love. In this message, we explore the greatest commandments. Both of them call us to not just say the word "love" but to try and be a record setter in how we show it.

Mark 12:28-34 - What Is The Greatest Commandment? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Mark 12:28-34 - What Is The Greatest Commandment?
- Manuscript - PDF
Mark 12:28-34 - What Is The Greatest Commandment? - Sermon Handout - PDF
Mark 12:28-34 - What Is The Greatest Commandment? - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Mark 12:28-34 - What Is The Greatest Commandment? - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
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